It’s crazy to me that the backlash was so bad the president had to resign. Just because Texas is that racist
It’s crazy to me that the backlash was so bad the president had to resign. Just because Texas is that racist
A shift of 2° at 12.3 billion miles means it’s now pointing about 430 million miles away from the earth. The likelihood that it would be pointing at one of the small handful of man made objects that are out that far is infinitesimally small. Imagine being in a filed 100 miles wide and spinning a bottle with a laser pointer on it and hoping it lands pointing at a single bottle cap at the edge of the field. That would be magnitudes more likely than this pointing at one of our objects. And even if it did, those also would have antennas pointed at Earth so they couldn’t receive the message without turning which might cause the same issue for them.
Wasn’t that logo supposed to be temporary? Sure doesn’t seem temporary if they’re installing a sign on the offices.
Imagine you, as an adult, are riding a bus and a handful of crazy people are acting like assholes so the driver makes all of you get off the bus, potential miles from where you live. I don’t think this would be ok even with older people. Plus there’s the fact that we don’t even know how bad the misbehavior was. Unless every single one were causing a significant danger, there’s no reason to kick them off.
I’m saying have an A/C cart with an air hose that hooks up to the plane. I’ve seen them used in certain situations.
I’m surprised they don’t have a way to pump in A/C. Maybe they were too far from the gate.
I agree it’s a bad idea, that’s one of the many reasons to not make your workers work sick, but these people aren’t exactly critical thinkers
The sick people. Because they make people work even when they’re sick
To be fair, if you are soulless and going to make them work when they’re sick anyway, why would you care if they infected the rest of the staff?
It’s honestly pretty impressive she writes best selling books with her eyes closed and without ever proofreading them.
TL;DR - Microsoft is fighting for their purchase of Activision-Blizzard to go through. Their latest argument is that they’re in third in the console wars (behind the PS5 and the Switch) and Sony will likely make more money from the PS5 Slim which they claim is releasing later this year at $399.
They planned on trying a command to fix it but they didn’t expect it to work and said that October when the system reset happened was the best shot. Seems like the command ended up working though.