You also take more, rents in particular.
You also take more, rents in particular.
English is the language of science, so I’d argue that any country in Schengen would be the most straightforward choice. Climates can differ greatly, though, even within one country, so I always compare the temperature, sunshine and precipitation stats before moving some place new.
Those novel currencies, of course, will be tied to Bitcoin or some other “coin” they’ll create exclusively for that purpose, brothel-money style.
From the same thread:
If You Like Regular Expressions So Much, Why Don’t You Marry Them?
Can relate.
Good for Perl diving, I guess.
I’m not an electrician, but wouldn’t remote control imply that something still remains on standby? So that it can receive a wake-up signal, if nothing else.
Konqueror, IIRC, will show you “virtual” MP3s & FLACs, complete with file sizes and all, when you put in an audio CD. You can copy these files to your hard disk. They are created on the fly, though.
Just the other day, I’ve been forced to watch at least 10 ads for Chrome on Youtube. Falls upon deaf ears with me, but others, I can imagine, will just mindlessly click and download that shit.
Well, then there’s a business idea for another co-op right there: one that does nothing but connect potential co-op founders. A marketplace of ideas and abilities, if you will.
Also, your co-founders will contribute time as well as capital to free you. The challenge then becomes decision-making. IMHO, if you can come to terms with relinquishing control, you can be part of a successful business in a co-op easier than in a classical setup.
Yes, I agree, it is very hard. I’ve talked to a lot of founders and was working on getting a company off the ground myself.
The perspective and the idea of a co-op however is completely different from what you describe: to distribute the hardships, the risks and rewards right from the start onto many shoulders. There’s no more “my company, my sacrifices” etc. It’s all we.
Not every business needs to expand, though. There are quite constrained markets for very specialized goods or services. I know several B2B companies that have 10-20 employees, serve several dozens up to few hundred rather small, regional customers, and they’re perfectly happy with that.
FWIW, according to this site, 24% of Germans are co-op members. The number of co-op employees is only a fraction of this, however.
I’m currently educating myself on how to create a co-op shares portfolio for some long-term investment.
Precisely this. From a philosophical-logical POV, it doesn’t make sense. From the POV of establishing and maintaining power/ dominance/ oppression/ hegemony, however, it’s the only thing that makes sense.
It’s become a product. You can still discuss anything on Reddit unless it diminishes the value of the product. E.g. in a thread discussing the merits of Hyundai or Coca-Cola or whatever, which I’m sure will be totally organic and not paid-for and bot-bum-rushed at all, any negative comment about these brands will get you buried at -6 or below within mere minutes.
Right? Way too often, I see some really interesting comments sitting at 0 or -1, and some still somewhat interesting and/ or arguably good-faith comments have something like -50 because they go against the current direction of the herd. I usually upvote at least the former, but for the latter, it’s not going to matter much, unfortunately.
Furthermore, some mods get way too personally invested and take an obvious disliking to you so everything you contribute will be pushed to the bottom of the stack anyways.
Rents are also 1/2. Cannot vouch for devs, but in our IT department, nobody speaks German.