What did he do? Kill a crowd of innocent people using an old woman as a club?
Some say that giant Koreans don’t exist.
What did he do? Kill a crowd of innocent people using an old woman as a club?
Worth it
You’re right, I mixed it up. I feel like if it was LIFO that there would be meals that would never come out, ever.
Just wanted to point out that the colon is LIFO and not FIFO FIFO and not LIFO wow I need more caffeine
Forgot all about Trading Places! That was a family favorite growing up.
Generally speaking, there is about a 50% chance that they’ll solve it at all.
98% of the murders that are solved will be solved within a year.
You live in a very lovely place.
She looks like she was a good, happy girl.
Good guy Valve.
This is the use case I use it for.
My two cents having practiced several.
Almost all of them are useful in that they are a form of physical activity. They can keep you in good shape, and can also help you develop discipline.
Many are more art than practical. Arts like krav maga or kali are more geared towards practical use (self defense).
There is also a thing you can generally think of as “energy” that arts may have that often trend to make them not very practical against arts outside of themselves. For example, if a wing chun practitioner attempts to trap with you, and you’re a boxer, it just doesn’t work. It’s somewhat about range, but also the general “feel” of the art as well. JKD attempts to deal with this by teaching different arts that can be used within different ranges.
My one instructor also likened martial arts to technology, saying that they must evolve over time or just end up becoming ineffective for self defense.
The best thing to do in a situation, if you can, is to just escape. Your wallet is not worth your life.
deleted by creator
Now all the people they pay to solve these captchas will have to go find other work 😢
Someone would look at our process and say “that’s not agile!” and they might be correct, technically speaking. I don’t personally care what it’s called as long as it works.
We agree to requirements up front with our customer; we might change stuff as we go along if our customer realizes that what they asked for won’t work (this happens occasionally), which is fine, but otherwise we don’t let them change stuff around on a whim, and we don’t allow scope creep. If they want a new feature, that’s version 2 (or 3, or 4).
We don’t meet very frequently. We do check in to make sure we’re on target, and deliver features incrementally when it makes sense to do so. We do sprints. We talk about when things are working and when they aren’t, but only when we think it’s a good time to do so.
At the end of the day, you need to tailor the process to your needs and what makes sense to you and your team.
It me
Yes. Tuesday is the superior day.
You’ve gotten over the jarring shock of Monday, and nothing is happening in your life on a Tuesday night after COB.
Marvels wasn’t bad. I enjoyed it. I feel like it was a combination of poor advertising and comic book movie/series fatigue.
Does this actually even work any more? I figured most things protected against it nowadays.
Beautiful photo! Beautiful place.
The only thing I’ve been looking forward to recently is the new Daredevil series. Wandavision was decent. Moon Knight was good. She-Hulk had lots of potential but just dropped the ball IMHO. We never finished Loki season 2 (just lost insterest). We ended up canceling Disney+ because the Marvel shows were a dud for the most part.