More like unless you’re incredibly rich you will never be able to afford one.
More like unless you’re incredibly rich you will never be able to afford one.
I think it’s more that they are fucking dumbass pieces of shit.
Absolutely. I get the doom, but there’s no way I’m just rolling over on SS, ever.
Your not gonna get a lot of love, but I hear you. Jesus is the enemy of modern Christianity.
Fun fact: That’s not real milk. It’s just Elmer’s glue, they use it to stage the perfect shot.
Your view of reality is skewed.
Establishing strong, functional unions should be priority number one for US citizens.
It really sucks that Democratic policies tend to have a massive impact but take a long time to produce, while conservative policies have an equally huge impact but take no time to destroy everything.
I’d be fine if they just would get over their lying, grifting, shit-slinging “leaders.” Of course, while I’d like if there were “legitimate” conservative candidates, the truth is that I don’t know what that would even look like. Eisenhower?
Nice shot! Reminds me of watching the moonrise over Peaks Island when I was in Portland, Maine, back in 2017. The distance of the island coupled with the clear, full moon made for a striking illusion. It looked so huge as it began peaking over the horizon I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. Magical place up there, just wish it didn’t become a frozen wasteland half of the year.
I swear, if those lizard lovers get their state destroyed and leave Georgia more vulnerable I’m gonna be pissed.
Now he’s a crazy asshole.
If the dude is tripping too much he can definitely be damaging his brain. Hell, too many weed edibles can totally change your personality.
I was on Reddit since just before the Digg migration and I still don’t know what karma even is not give two shits about it.
Having recently visited that hellscape, I cannot imagine the audacity of trying to grow a lawn there.
For privacy to have inherent value, it first must be an established, inherent right. Unfortunately, the Constitution doesn’t talk about it to my knowledge. I’ve always inferred that our rights against unlawful search and seizure basically encapsulate the concept, but whatever.