Boris Johnson is Trump but with a vocabulary and slightly less ridiculous hair cut.
Boris Johnson is Trump but with a vocabulary and slightly less ridiculous hair cut.
He sounds scared.
That’s why Trump had him murdered
Define securing the border, because that goal post is mounted to a bullet train by republicans as long as trump isn’t president.
Wheel of Fotune
Republicans are ignorant to this fact but are ready to credit trump with this accomplishment.
Oh no he won’t be able to vote for tump
One less trump voter
Republicans, through legislation are paving the way towards a fascist dictatorship which will include lots of rape.
Every day is Opposite Day for Texas Republicans.
Congressional Republicans will be very upset about this.
His dad sent him to military school because he was on the board of the private school little Donnie attended. Fred sent him away because he didn’t want to deal with the little shithead.
The bone spurs excuse was to dodge the Vietnam draft.
We’re Number One!!! Pew Pew
He goes through lawyers like it’s dollar store bronzer
Gotti was acquitted twice before he was convicted and spent the remainder of his life in prison.
Even the one that trump won?
Nobody knows more about losing defamation cases than Donald Trump believe me
$10 says he defames her again again
We watched the police murder a man in the street over a counterfeit 20.