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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2024

  • Was this video produced by PragerU or something? Video is clearly slanted hard in favor of Capitalism. The way it portrays Socialism is not how any modern Socialists would want it implemented either. When the State begins owning and directing capital I think that’s closer to Communism. Where private ownership disappears. I’m in favor of Democratic Socialism, which keeps private companies in tact, but ownership and the profits flow towards the workers of that company, since they are owners. Problem with Capitalism is that all profits flow upwards and are not equitably shared with workers. When you have companies like Walmart that teach their employees how to apply for food stamps, but Walmart owners are in the billionaire class, that is the government subsidizing the 1%. They have the money to fairly compensate the working class for their efforts but chose not to. Fuck them. Voting Socialist every chance I get.

  • So it’s been years since I’ve seen it, but I do remember that episode. I went through the wiki a bit and read up on some of Backster’s experiments and how they were received by the scientific community… not great. It is a very intriguing subject, but I think it gets anthropomorphized pretty bad. Even the title here, “plants do scream” almost implies consciousness. I do think there are mechanisms that plants may have evolved that we don’t fully understand. Like holding onto water or nutrients if there are more plant clicks (screams) happening nearby. But we have to be scientific about this. In the article, they talk about possible sources of the clicks possibly being air bubbles escaping the plant. Jumping to some of the conclusions that were explored in the past like “plants have ESP” are tall claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Claims like that were never reproducible, so we shouldn’t believe them. I think plants are amazing, and we should keep studying stuff like this, but best to stay realistic and phrase these findings appropriately. Just my two cents.