As someone old enough to have chosen between save files to delete for space, I don’t really understand why people get so hung up on which games are currently installed.
As someone old enough to have chosen between save files to delete for space, I don’t really understand why people get so hung up on which games are currently installed.
It almost perfectly correlates with chrome coming to android circa 2012.
That’s exactly what it sounds like. I had to look up who the actress was and it sounds like she is upset about that. The unspoken communication she is trying to demonstrate with eye contact isn’t even well executed. She doesn’t look witchy at all, just like she’s holding in a fart.
Over 80% of microolastic production coming from macro plastic breakdown feels pretty bleak.
I had no idea Guild Wars was still releasing content. The first game was my first big boy MMO and I have so many fond memories.
Nah man it makes a really effective 40k Prequel.
Best Warhammer movie to hit the silver screen!
Also, comparing modern athletes to ancient Romans is about like comparing them to today’s gifted teens in terms of pure physicality.
Yeah, I recognize they acknowledged it, but they didn’t address it in the abstract. I’m not saying it can’t be done, I’m just wondering what their qualifiers are and what their actual approach was. Powerlifters require large amounts of protein intake that can be difficult to obtain from a 100% plant based diet. That could be addressed with plant based supplements, but that feels a little disingenuous to me.
I suppose I could request the full study, but I can’t be bothered lol.
I would love to know how they are defining “athletic performance” in this study and how they supplemented protein intake. The nutritional needs of an Olympic swimmer, American football player, cyclist, fencer, powerlifter, etc are nowhere near the same thing.
The only reason Toyota is pushing back against EV is because they are so heavily invested in hydrogen powered vehicles, which isn’t going to happen.
Back in the early 2000s (when Apple Minis were introduced) there was a rare system error that you could get that ended in a wall of script/code. What has stuck with me to this day was the screen ended on the line “panic: we are hanging here”.
Never did puzzle that out.
What incentive does Google have to even put up a fight? Worse results = more time searching = more “traffic” = more ad revenue. It’s not like they really have to worry about search engine competitors. Please do not try to recommend DDG to me. It is just a different flavor of garbage.
There have been great lengths taken over the course of decades to make protestation on this scale prohibitively difficult for Americans. The exact numbers are apparently up for debate but between 40 and 80% of Americans can’t afford to miss a single paycheck. Splinter protests across the country do fuck all for federal issues and since most people can’t afford to make the trip to DC we’re stuck with a non-starter until things get so bad that it doesn’t matter if people are getting paid or not.
It’s extremely popular because it is a well polished Harry Potter game; something the world has been begging for for a long time. It does invoke that sense of magic that the films do so well, so if you’re just looking to get a fresh hit of the Hogwarts world it’s great. There are also a lot of really interesting and well designed characters. Most of all the world, particularly the castle, is beautifully and lovingly crafted.
The game buried beneath all that polish is a pretty basic-ass RPG. It is crammed with filler fetch/find quests. The dialogue system is just another exhaust all options non-system. The combat has some really cool ideas on paper but I personally ended up mostly mashing buttons against one of like 5 generic enemies most of the time. Also the only customization in this RPG is your appearance.
It’s not a bad game by any means, but i wouldn’t say it’s great either.
Also, if we’re being frank, DDG’s results are damn near useless half the time.
It’s like the opposite end of the SEO spectrum. Whereas Google just anchors onto certain keywords to regurgitate the same 4 listacles, DDG just sees your input for “my lawnmower won’t start” and responds with “lawnmower huh? I dunno here’s the history of John Deere or some shit, fuck off”.
but $40/month is definitely enough to cover the costs of feeding a child.
$40 of what, rice and cheese slices? As the father of two young children I find this to be highly unlikely.
I hate this fucking state so much.
Good. They should push to make such a devastating example of this piece of shit that no one ever tries something similar again. Let him live the rest of his days in squalor. He has earned it.
Remember that one guy that got impeached for lying about a BJ?