Oh, I have no doubt that he’s 100% faking it. The country is falling to the fascists thanks to the Democratic establishment’s incompetence and Obama’s manipulations, but keeping up “the norms” is still job one! Fucking pathetic.
Oh, I have no doubt that he’s 100% faking it. The country is falling to the fascists thanks to the Democratic establishment’s incompetence and Obama’s manipulations, but keeping up “the norms” is still job one! Fucking pathetic.
When barbarians loot the town I get pissed at the barbarians. When I find out they got in because the guard of the gate was drunk off his ass and rolling around in the bushes with his girlfriend, I toss the guard over the wall and get a new damn guard.
If you are currently in the process of saving instead of withdrawing in retirement, then falling stock prices are just buying opportunities. If the grocery store puts eggs on sale, you wouldn’t fret that the eggs currently in your fridge aren’t worth as much.
When you think of it that way, it gets a lot easier to hang on after a crash, and you might start looking for ways to buy even more at bargain prices.
Down payment on a bribe.
It’s an orwellian term for a package of anti-worker and anti-union laws. The centerpiece where the name comes from is making it illegal for a union shop to require workers to pay union dues.
If not for the fact that a felon is about to become President again, I would want some form of justice in the law for the assassin.
Maybe we should run him in 2028. I think it would be a landslide.
“Deny, Defend, Depose 2028!”
Making exceptions is never a good idea.
Why not? The whole reason we have judicial discretion is that every crime departs from the platonic ideal in one way or another.
The working class has been losing a class war for decades without ever properly noticing that it was happening. Working Americans have been dying in that war, and now someone struck back.
I’ll be sold on the “no exceptions” ideal when we haul in the corporate murderers alongside the people who fought back.
Jury nullification is the other acceptable option.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Less less people voted tin the 2024 presidential election than in the 2020 election. This is a basic fact.
Well, your apparently disingenuous argument was of a repeating pattern so, even if we assume the gap is made up of leftists, your argument is still invalid. Why would Harris’ campaign ignore leftists because leftists don’t show up if leftists showed up in 2020?
Twist it turn it, divide it how you want, they did not show up.
How about “substantiate it”? We know that someone didn’t show, but it’s not leftists. It’s never leftists, and this bullshit gets thrown around every damn time. By the time the analysis is done the establishment humpers have moved on.
This is not complicated, it’s grade school math.
Your math still just shows that someone didn’t show.
Working class voters with no particular allegiance and zero interest in political theory are the voters you are looking for. They show up when inspired. Harris wasn’t inspiring.
The left isn’t telling the establishment how to get our votes, we’re telling them how to get working class voters.
Sure, we have some idiots in our ranks, but so does every group. We also have a boatload of trolls pretending to be leftists to sow division, and assholes like you play right into their hands. If you had any impact at all on people voting for Harris, I guarantee it went the other way. You can’t berate people into voting your way, just ask Hillary.
to you. If you didn’t vote then Trump is your fault.
I DID SHOW UP. Fucking hell.
If you actually want to understand what happened, these two videos are a good start.
YOU DON’T SHOW UP. How many times do I have to repeat this for you to understand?
I DID SHOW UP. This explains so much. Unlike you, I don’t judge the truth of a statement based on how often it’s repeated. No matter how many times you and corporate media make this incorrect claim, it isn’t going convince me. I prefer evidence like this Pew study that found the political left to be the most engaged, “that is, they voted at the highest rates in the 2020 presidential election, and they are most likely to say they post about politics on social media and that they donated to campaigns”.
As I TOLD YOU ALREADY, it’s regular working class voters who stay home in droves.
Why in the the hell would they ever cater to people who don’t show up, especially if doing so turns away the people who do show up?
I absolutely love the deluded framing of this sentence. I reject the premise but, even if I didn’t, does it not occur to you that the ability of “people who do show up” to “turn away” means they are exactly as fickle as you falsely accuse the left of being?
Democrats aren’t balancing the preferences of the “median voter” with the preferences of progressives. That is a lie. Modern elections are won on turnout, and Democrats are weighing the working class appetite for populist messaging with the demands of the donor class. Right wing populism doesn’t threaten capital in the same way as left wing populism, so Republicans get a lot more leeway in embracing (foe) populist messaging. Democrats try to strike a balance between voters and donors, which is why all of our elections have razor thin margins. Whenever Democrats miscalculate and give in too much to their donors, the Republicans take power.
I’d say it’s obvious that some members of the establishment are paying attention and learning.
They have learned that liberals can’t be bothered to vote and will always find an excuse not to vote
Then they (you) actually haven’t learned a damn thing. Hell, even fucking James Carville is suddenly saying that Bernie had it right.
Harris spent the last month+ of her campaign bragging about support from CEOs, promising to put a Republican in her cabinet, and touring with Liz Cheney. The idea that she made a real effort to engage liberals and leftists is pure fiction.
Even saying it’s liberals and leftists that didn’t show up is wrong. Leftists are the most reliable voters in the country. It’s working class Americans that didn’t show up for Harris or voted for Trump. Leftists tell the establishment how to get working class voters, the establishment ignores them, working class voters stay home, then the establishment blames leftists.
If the Democratic response to a dumb plan failing over and over is going to be “do it harder” again, then I guess America is just over. Republicans are what Republicans are. Voters are what voters have always been. We can blame them all we want, but it won’t get us anywhere. We fix the Democratic party, or try to survive until reconstruction.
.Fighting against fascism is about constant small victories.
That’s not generally the way fascism is defeated. Sometimes yes, but it usually takes a somewhat more aggressive approach. We should take that possible future seriously as well, even as we work to avoid it.
Democrats need a massively leftward and populist shift to differentiate themselves from Republicans in the eyes of uninformed voters
In the eyes of informed voters too.
Democrat leadership
It’s the Democratic Party.
If you ignore the urinals, there really isn’t much point in separate bathrooms anyways. Especially in posh bathrooms like I’m sure they have in Congress where they pay the extra bucks to have actual doors on the stalls. This is one of those cases where arguing with idiots just makes you look like the idiot. Going along shows how ridiculous the moral panic was in the first place.
Nominate an opposing candidate that speaks directly to the underlying issues that made scapegoating minorities attractive. (See AOC / Trump split ticket voters.)
There is a ton of academic interest in the relationship between sexuality and fascism. It was first noted in “The Mass Psychology of Fascism” by Wilhelm Reich after WW2. My comment is, of course, a massive oversimplification of a complex social dynamic.
It’s the same dynamic that made US racists paranoid that black men wanted to rape white women when, in fact, their deeper fear was that white women wanted to have sex with black men. Fascists are particularly sensitive to sexual relations between “their women” and whomever they have chosen to blame for all their misfortunes.
Oh, fuck off. I never called for perfection and I never jumped ship. It’s the establishment with the purity tests.