It’s an imperfect world and I don’t blame you.
It’s an imperfect world and I don’t blame you.
An up front paid app for devs trying to make money off of the lemmyverse? Sure, okay. A free version by devs trying to make the world a better place? You’re a literal hero. Devs doing shady tracking like this? Never ever.
Until there is a better alternative to the new evil that is google/alphabet, apple is a lesser evil.
Do you allow a gangrenous left foot kill the rest of your body because half your shoes wouldn’t fit anymore? Cut it off don’t look back and I promise you will finally find peace. I did it with parts of my family and after a few years I still don’t regret it.
Many friends and family members are all over in the US government. Trumps claim of some deep state baffles every single one of them. It’s a bogey man. It doesn’t exist in any form. It is a lie meant to fool simpletons.
Friends don’t let friends fly when air traffic control towers aren’t properly staffed and supported. It is just too dangerous now.
My family has decided we won’t stand idle as a dictator seizes control of the US government. But we can’t do it alone.
It is not much, but it is something, and those who yearn for a just world need the win no matter how small.
They get to be part of a cult of hate?
Because someone else has already built it for us. It’s our duty to pass it on. And honestly it is the core of what it means to be human. Otherwise you’re a parasite who deserves what parasites deserve.