The unrealistic thing about this is the time frame. For a stay that happened at the end of November, to have a reply in hand two weeks later is unreal.
The unrealistic thing about this is the time frame. For a stay that happened at the end of November, to have a reply in hand two weeks later is unreal.
She reads memory all the time
Charging market rate? Can be scummy.
Changing market rate by charging less? Overall win.
This person never said anything about charging market rates, and seeing that they are asking explicitly from an ethical point of view, they don’t want to.
(I’m saying I generally agree with you )
We’ll see if I’m in the minority here, but owning one property and renting out half of it is small potatoes. Think of it as trading one necessity (housing) for another (food).
Now, if you’re making big money doing this, then you’ve passed a line.
I don’t know, but I would guess it’s supposed to be the opposite of neo liberal.
Likely: with gains on the low end, people saw themselves closer to the low end suddenly, and that’s a problem I guess.
… They typed “make all” by themselves? Nice. I usually use a script to do that.
I would accept “I work for the team that tries to detect ad blockers on YouTube, and slow down the process with bureaucracy.”
$10,000 is worth the publicity, they’ll spend more than that on lawyers avoiding the 5 years.
I hate that justice has a paywall
The guy who was using my name to make code submissions 2-3 years prior.
Better than many, mediocre.
With my coworkers I’ve got a strange ability to pick up any language that tastes like c, and get stuff done. I’m sure I’ve confused our c# guys when I make a change to their code and ask for a code review, because I’ll chase down quality of life improvements for myself. (Generally, I will make the change and ask if I have any unintended side effects, because in an MCU, I know what all my side effects are, multi threaded application?, not at all)
Edit: coming from a firmware view, I’ve made enough mistakes to realize when order of operations will stab me, when a branch is bad because that pipeline hit will hurt, and I still get & vs && wrong more often than I would like to admit.
300 is 1.5x more than 200?
I’m gonna keep my p3 400 with mmx for a little longer, it’s got to be better even more.
What is apac?
What, you don’t have a special command to Compare Unsigned values in register C vs result register K? or Floating-point Addition with Parenthesis, so store the value for use on the next cycle?
And it’s a way of saying “this is stupid” via malicious compliance. I’m not assuming that AMD is doing it, but I’m willing to think that there are a few employees who are.
I definitely imagined the SpongeBob meme pointing at ever growing piles
All of these acts are wrongly named to provoke/mislead
Vote often? But just once per election.
Wow that sucks. When the first discussions of Obamacare came up, Republicans should have went with “we don’t need govt death panels, we have death panels at home!”