install Arch Linux on your phone now
Unlimited bunny delivery on the 1%
The boiling point of ethanol is 78. That could be your problem
The Harris campaign was entirely similar to the H. Clinton campaign. Nothing has changed in the Democratic party. I honestly was not surprised to see her lose.
Just checked out their album after seeing this post. Goes hard
My eyes need different amounts of focusing power, and different astigmatism, for each.
The lenses in a VR headset make it seem like the screen is infinitely far away. If you need glasses normally, then you will need to wear them or something equivalent to see clearly in VR.
It is horrid. I get nauseous whenever a low framerate video has any significant motion
we serve food here sir
Probably makes 7 figures working for big pharma though
Some services do still offer DRM free music file downloads. So you can still buy music
they must have dialup or live in the middle of nowhere
more people would buy a $3000 Apple monitor than VR. Lest we forget they sold a $1000 monitor stand and $700 pc wheels. I just looked and the Pro Display (XDR? what the hell is that?) is $5000. A 32 inch 16:9 display.
It’s Her Turn guys Pokemon Go to the polls
You can buy all the toxic chemicals you like, online or at the hardware store
Americans are have lived through so much. Two buildings were demolished.