21.000 people in a city of 13 million. that sounds like a rounding error.
21.000 people in a city of 13 million. that sounds like a rounding error.
Purchase Power Parity only works domestically. Once you venture out in the world, things cost what they cost, no matter how little your populace makes.
Sure, but with this change it’s becoming harder to see the advantage of VMware over hyperV with full lintegration to azure, and azure stack edge. A single interface to manage cloud and on prem that includes monitoring etc.
Sunk cost or not, with this change the companies need to move anyway so the immediate question is why not all the way? but I might be wrong.
Microsoft hyperV and azure will keep munching on their business.
Unity is firing people as a result of a failed monetization attempt by the chief executive. I would argue the employees should have a case against the company and the chief executive. As this was so poorly implemented, fault could be argued.
You came to a 2 day old post to gloat? About someone being ill. Bless your heart dearie. May you receive all you hope and wish for others.
And pay with what? Yuan, ruble, ruppee, real? As long as there are no large trade inbalances it’s fine.
Exactly, regardless of the naysayers this hits the nail on the head. And Ukranians knew this very well. All former Soviet states know this as seen by their response.
Much easier to let the west handle this and keep your hands clean not pulling the irk of local extremist. Then you can later blame the west for colonialism and violence against the locals.
Sure, if that’s your take there is no use further discussing it.
Turned in the perception of Ukranians. The Azov movement was seen by many Ukranians for what they where… right wing extremists they had no legitimacy. But when Russia invaded they fought the Russians tooth and nail, legitimizing them.
Biden articulated what Putin was saying himself. Joining NATO is the choice of a souverein nation and using that as an excuse for invasion is just that… an excuse.
So no, I don’t think I see it reversed. And what we are seeing unfold is clear. You claim to be anti imperialist but when Russia does it it’s OK?
The war is horrible and can end with Russia withdrawing to within their own borders, but that won’t happen as Putin will be punished by his “own” and replaced with someone else to do it.
I think you are turning around cause and effect. Fringe political extremist where turned into "heroic defenders of Ukraine the day little green men showed up to separate Crimea and the Donbas from Ukraine. If anything the Russian invasion have them legitimacy. It clearly says so in the links you provided.
Edit: And Putin stated Ukraine was not a country as early as the 90’s even though the USSR fell apart and countries that where autonomous before, became independent again.
Yes, there are extremists in Ukraine. Azov (and others) was this before the war, they where also a political party that did not get enough votes for a single seat in Ukrainian parlement.
And Azov started to militarize… after the Russian invasion in 2014 as counter weight to Girkin and his extremists who dragged Ukraine into a war.
So what is your point? A whole state is defined by its extremist minority? Ukraine does not have the luxury to crack down on or exclude these groups now they are in an existential battle for survival.
Did writing that made you feel better?
LoL… Russia does not need help from anyone for that. Stick some contractniki in an Pantsir with minimal training and you get what you get.
Underestimating the Russian army would be foolish and Ukraine does not seem to do that. The harsh reality is visible for them every day. Plans change… From 3 days to Kiev to forever war for example.
I just thought it was funny to see a Pantsir not being ganked by a 400 dollar drone for a change.
I hope het gets well soon. All the drama political outrage. The government is setup to keep functioning if individuals become incapacitated.
He claims it was already done… let’s see how that plays out.
Also your opponent might just forego pretence and summarily execute you when they catch you or claim themself president and be immune to consequences and imprison you anyway.
Statements without proof can be dismissed without proof.
They were a movement that was an active militia (trained and armed) that took part in the elections and did not even get enough votes for a single seat in Parlaiment.
No, if they play internationally they cannot. Telling individuals what they can and cannot talk about is another thing though.