Yeah that’s fair you’re right
Yeah that’s fair you’re right
Uh, the Nordic countries. You should go read a history book before speaking.
ooga booga hivemind go downvote
Nope that’s the rest of you.
White people are very set in their corporate slop eating ways. They like slaving away for billionaires, some of whom buy child sex slaves with the proceeds. FYI white men are the most likely to be pedos… For some strange reason lulz
That’s not true. You sound like you’re white as fuck :| you don’t think there are things that can influence someone’s brain and body? Human, human technology, or a wide variety of non human things?
Should Google (edit: Kagi*) DMT trip reports as one example.
Why some people don’t like Hillary Clinton, at least one of the reasons:
Then she LAUGHS about it, dude died having bayonets shoved up his ass from what I recall. Libya had the living standards of a developed nation, and now… well it is what it is. Gotta maintain that petrodollar :| real politik is still alive and quite pertinent in the world.
Also, for any angry Africans, gonna go ahead and leave this here:
Sounds like good potential for bleeding Amazon dry of $ of their AI investment capital with bot networks.
Yeah drowning/starving at sea seems no bueno.
But we’re talking about the UK monarchy specifically right? I wonder what the scandanavian monarchs for example are up to. & don’t get me wrong, the American political elite, at least a lot of them cough Republicans cough absolutely have the mentality of neonobility.
That kind of psychology and predisposition is something I hope is stamped out or at least vindicated by most of society. Be the change you want to see in the world:)
The UK… Isn’t… In the EU tho? For some (Russian) oligarch tax haven purposes to my understanding?
That’s not addressing my point of… Why is the king receiving preferential treatment? His role is ceremonial. You could make the argument he’s paying for private treatment (I don’t know if he is or not), if he’s not why does he get to skip the NHS cancer treatment wait list? If he is paying for private… What exactly has he personally done to allow him to have the ABILITY to pay for said treatment:| Not saying all the royals wealth should be seized for the peoplez, more why is his families life style still to my understanding being subsidized by British tax payers? The tourism they bring in would still be coming, it’s not like they’re going to sell Buckingham palace if the gov stopped paying for their shit.
The president has an actual job tho??? Like wat lmao 🤣 and if you think the king is getting the same medical treatment as Mr jo British bong water, I have some EU membership to sell you.
If you have seen breaking bad, the premise of that show is an apt description. Insurance companies here will often deny you necessary life saving medical treatment for… reasons
Other example: a woman with a family history of breast cancer was denied a doctor recommended mammogram to check on some potentially cancerous lumps because she has… Already had too many mammograms.
Profit incentive in the healthcare industry is no bueno:|
As an American, if I got cancer like this dude has, having a job there is a very high chance I’d be destitute IF I lived. World class medical treatment off the backs of his subjects… yeahno my dude, worlds smallest violen playing.jpeg
He can wipe his cancer tears up with whatever the largest denomination of pounds you guys use is xD
I have 0 sympathy for monarchial families living off the backs of UK taxpayers for… Centuries :|
Aha, another Utahn lemmy connesiur in the wild. I’ve tried to convince many to make the transition, dunno if a single one actually has.
The word you will want to google is kippumjo.
What was the misinformation?
Lost a close family member a few days ago. Haven’t experienced loss like this before so not handling it great. Appreciate you writing this out