Lots of banned artist and album names that will return zero results, unless you do something like search for a song or two that’s on the album you want and finding the data that way.
The only objectionable hurdles are the insurmountable ones
Lots of banned artist and album names that will return zero results, unless you do something like search for a song or two that’s on the album you want and finding the data that way.
The only objectionable hurdles are the insurmountable ones
Context is king. If there’s vital/time-dependent correspondence you’re waiting on, notifications can matter. But email in 2024 is pretty darn transactional, in which case a daily check is enough for most. Notifications for something suggest that I need to drop what I’m doing and attend to whatever arrived. That just doesn’t apply for service provider marketing, purchase receipts, etc.
And then the opsec angle comes into play: https://www.axios.com/2023/12/06/apple-google-requests-push-notification-data
Notifications are overrated. I turn them off for the bulk of apps.
Devote one or two small time windows each day for life admin. Outside those windows it shouldn’t be seen or heard.
Tackle, reclaim…these are marketing terms. How does the campaign operate? Reading between the lines I guess venues are supposed to feel pressure not to hire certain bands based on SNH paraphernalia being all over the place.
Can I listen to metal bands with hatred as a theme/inspiration and not ‘be’ a hater, or does that not fly in these circles?
The cost of paper and plastic recycling is passed on with the co-operation of government. Their interests are aligned with those of industry. The cost is handballed (‘externalized’ if you want the slime term) first to individuals and ultimately to the environment. With moral hazards like this I wouldn’t expect substantial change to be driven by authorities. It’s going to take technological breakthroughs.
You’ll see the same on Youtube inside three years.
As an experiment, take any remux from your collection and encode it by dividing the raw video bitrate by 2.5
What you’ll invariably find:
If you agreed to host her collection carte blanche, that’s your failure to manage expectations.
The better approach would have been to make an X GB partition (whatever you’re comfortable allocating) say there’s a specific amount of space available for family use. When it fills up it fills up.
Get jotting with your friends in seconds: https://pad.disroot.org/