Yaml parsing. Article was great.
Yaml parsing. Article was great.
I read part of it; it was too painful to read more.
I kept finding myself saying “Well that’s stupid” over and over again.
Edit: To clarify, it’s yaml parsing that is “stupid”; the article was great.
Well, if you want more information: Biosecure Cow Cremator.
Note, there are two sizes available!
Living on a farm tells me: Animal Carcass Disposal Options Rendering • Incineration • Burial • Composting
We almost never lost an animal (200 head of beef cattle), but even the best cared for animals past away eventually.
I know where you can rent saws from; not sure about the “first half” of that step. /s
Or Cancun (heard that from someone named Ted).
I agree (and realize) that a simple holiday wouldn’t fix the many ills of our “election system”. Just thought it would help. I’ve heard that England has at least a week to vote [hope that’s true]. Anything that would make it easier and more convenient to vote would be a great help (not suggesting making the process less secure).
The reasons I was given for first Tuesday in November are:
The idea behind #1 is that it should be harder to bribe you if you have recently been paid. The reason behind #2 is that you will be sober when you vote.
Also, in my state at least, alcohol sales are prohibited while the polls are open for voting.
I’m guessing you might be from Canada (Hello up there friend)!
Because certain groups in power are total pieces of @#$_&-+/!
Which States Ban Giving Food and Water to Voters at Polling Places?
Elections in the US didn’t used to be so controversial, but in the last 10 years certain groups/parties have been crying foul (baselessly I might add) about illegal voting.
You are supposed to be able to go to the polling place on election day and vote. There are limited voting hours (generally about 12 hours), it is not a national holiday (should be), your employer does not have to give you time to vote (paid or not). You might be able to vote via postal mail (but it varies by state what “valid reasons are” to do that).
The US really needs election reform nation wide.
In historic times, people knew horses were land animals. So, I expect we will see this invention in about two more weeks.
If I have a nickel for everytime someone said “The cloud never goes down”.
I’d have a lot of nickels and would spend my time doing something I like a lot more than working 🤑.
While there may be “No stupid questions”, there are many, many “Stupid answers”.
I’m so glad you were able to see the light and thank you for having the courage to put it out there for others to see.
The most difficult faults to see and change are our own.
I’ll take the non-AI using pharmacist for the win. Thank you very much.
Had one application that would (somethings) give the message: Hey baby, you’re an object.
Some users where not amused.
Where’s Major Tom?
All they know is hate filled destruction and obstruction.
Not just the orange asshole, the whole party has gone bat shit crazy.
Saw at least one of my teachers drunk in public basically every night (local bar and grill).
That is a question of faith my friend.
Yeah, my coworkers said how great it would have been after the Colorado movie theater shooting (Batman movie) if everyone was armed. They just knew the original shooter would have been killed right away.
Who in their right mind thinks basically everyone wouldn’t have been mowed down in a hail of gun fire?
A lot of people are already living in: Leisure Suit Larry