Burgerland’s buying a lot of that soy and beef, too. And mahogany for yuppie furniture.
Burgerland’s buying a lot of that soy and beef, too. And mahogany for yuppie furniture.
Slashing and burning that much rain forest for soybean and beef treats may have something to do with that too.
Glup Shitto, who else?
Real answer is some extra with a silly Star Wars name that I don’t even know.
and driving them to be the very thing u swore to drstroy.
Such profound concern trolling wisdom from the wisest of all Star Wars characters!
We know that not everyone in our community will embrace our entrance into this market… even when not universally accepted, is exactly what the internet needs today.
Every fucking tech corporation ever has said this.
Once again the computer toucher apologists will say that these treat printers will solve the problems they are currently contributing to if enough forests burn and enough lakes dry up.
“Just like in the treats.”
“Making the bookie’s job illegal doesn’t make it impossible, so oh well, time to give him next month’s too. Let people enjoy things. My bookie certainly does!”
International Monetary Fund — to which Argentina owes $43 billion — have cheered his controversial fiscal shock therapy
When the vampires are cheering, that is a bad thing.
This is like the Wimp Lo version of economics.
It’s not unthinkable if the war ghouls have been craving it for decades.
In this new era, it’s dangerous to get too rich. Stories abound of the state launching investigations against this business figure or that financier. The pressure is drying up venture capital funds, scaring the young away from lucrative professions such as investment banking. The number of millionaires leaving China has been rising and peaked last year at 15,000 — dwarfing the exodus from any other nation.
The private sector is in retreat.
The hopes, dreams, and aspirations of generations of creative people getting exploited, overworked, and underpaid because they were willing to put up with that all to chase those hopes, dreams, and aspirations, all eventually got crushed in the corpo mill, only to be replaced by the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the next successive wave of creative people, was always working as intended.
A potential campaign without yet more tiresome “original IP do not steal” underdark/illithid rehashes!
That shit was old and boring to me since the 90s!
It’s even worse when some rage filled manchild posts rage in the chat and then adds the obligatory “gg.”