My ideology is that suffering should be minimised.
Is that why you side with the perpetuators of the suffering? Or is it just a coincidence that you treat criticism of Israel’s numerous crimes as pro-Hamas rhetoric?
My ideology is that suffering should be minimised.
Is that why you side with the perpetuators of the suffering? Or is it just a coincidence that you treat criticism of Israel’s numerous crimes as pro-Hamas rhetoric?
… You mean the humanitarian crisis that Israel explicitly and intentionally created, has purpetuates for decades, and refuses to do anything about?
“Please move to the next camp/strategic bombing location”
-Israel, probably
I know this is no stupid questions, but that is absolutely a stupid question.
And the smart Russians are out of Russia and won’t come back.
He was a teacher who had to go on strike because the board of the school all voted to give themselves raises and cut the number of teachers and give no one else raises while raising tuition.
You should have told him to keep working, the wealth will trickle down from the board to him any day now.
It’s a dick move, but those sorts of idiots only really learn when they get their noses shoved in their own piss (a few hundred times).
Hey, we could be like Russia in other ways and let a criminal run for president repeatedly.
The “War on drugs” has been a colossal failure.
That’s only true if you believe the lies that the “war on drugs” was actually about drugs. It never has been, it was always about having an excuse to incarcerate and beat down groups they didn’t like; minorities, the poor, and the left.
When you look at it that way, it’s obvious that the war on drugs is actually a really successful means to an end. Just try not to have a heart and think of the countless lives they ruined to keep a boot on peoples’ neck.
At least someone is going to have a white Christmas
Thankfully, depending on where you live, the good shit is only a couple hours away
The interesting part and the reason I always remember the story is that when the doctors washed her guts, they found a dead tapeworm. The bleach killed it. And the hospital staff gave it back to her in a jar haha. What a souvenir.
Uhhhh, doesn’t the digestive system break down and slough off in tapeworm like pieces? I remember the BtB episode on those crazy Church of Bleach fuckers, and that was one of the symptoms the children had after their parents forced them to drink small amounts of bleach over a time. Here’s an ABC article that comments that they claim it kills parasites, so I’m not convinced it was an actual tapeworm…
Colorado GOP Chair Dave Williams on the Liberty Roundtable Podcast. “It will be done, you know, in a civil war, and we don’t want that, no one wants a civil war.”
I call absolute bullshit fucking shit. Those fucking gop fascists have been calling for a civil war since Obama was in office.
Is it though? A dead kid is less likely to be abused than a live one. If you look at it that way, republicans are just doing their best to solve children’s problems 🤢🤮
A significant amount of Americans support a would be dictator who would gladly make himself dictator for life, but that doesn’t make it American behavior.
I absolutely love how the TST actually stands for the shit christians have pretended to care about for centuries.
Wow, I like the one guy farther down who claims Likud is awful but it’s Hamas propaganda that the IDF kills kids… like the massive dead civilian and kid numbers are just all propaganda to make a genocidal ethnistate look bad.
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Its so stupid too, because that’s literally against the written word of the constitution. The damned thing literally says that the president is still liable under the rule of law even after being impeached and removed from office. These chucklefucks don’t give a single wet shit about the constitution, they’re just hoping their base is stupid enough to go along with the subversion.
He’s finally going to get what’s coming to him after his hand in the Jade Helm Massacre!
Depending on the debt, they wont do much more than go after your parent’s estate for anything they can and write off the rest.
My mom died this year and the state sent me a form telling me how much she cost the state and that they were looking to take up to that much but I wasn’t responsible for the rest. Thankfully, having been estranged from her for years, they basically told me to pass on the last known info for her and dropped the issue.