I actually prefer it that way. With tabbed Ribbons (Is it how they’re called?), I constantly have to look over and over again which tab the thing I need is located, ending up in question why X is put here but not there.
I actually prefer it that way. With tabbed Ribbons (Is it how they’re called?), I constantly have to look over and over again which tab the thing I need is located, ending up in question why X is put here but not there.
The tool is for budgeting so I would say use what is readable for you. Using IBAN for payee sounds like an overkill. You can still manage your payees and merge them later differently.
There were subjects which I hated, either because I found them boring, the teachers were not inviting, or I just needed sleep. For instance, chemistry and national history are examples of them.
Many years later, I found myself in situations where I started to develop curiosity around those subjects, where I would wish to have properly learnt or attended those topics again.
Universal basic income, I guess.
I enjoyed using Hangouts. I still do. But the plethora of communication apps Google makes always give me chills that the judgement day is just round the corner. And by the time it arrives, it will just end up as another name on the list without much resort.
I really had to think hard and I guess I seldom use it. I touch-type but somehow my body has learnt to use only the left hand for almost all the modifier keys no matter how many keys I have to press there. It’s actually a good idea that I only realise now that I should map that right shift for something else.