That is the ad I was talking about. Didn’t realise it was so old though.
That is the ad I was talking about. Didn’t realise it was so old though.
You should see China’s new year shows. I saw one a few years ago with a Chinese person in blackface and African garb/dress with fruit on their head. Also an ad where a black person goes into a washing machine and comes out Chinese.
A gift apparently. Though I’m curious why someone would give nazi memorabilia as a gift and if the gifter knew it wasn’t a genuine historical item when giving it to op.
Yup. I went to school with somebody who was big into youtubing, he had professional Sony software for editing snd everything. The guy only had at most 20 subscribers and he’d been doing it for a while.
He didn’t have to use the Italian word for “removedness” if you find someone calling others a removed excusable then that says a lot about you.
You obviously haven’t been looking at many burkinis. A burkini is a combo of a burkha and a bikini so they’re designed for Muslim women who are stricter in following the Quran. There’s no fucking way that they are designed for showing off a woman’s figure prominently. Unless you think burkha’s are form fitting.
Trump is trying the same thing too.
I have. I got bored after a couple days. There’s nothing of substance to the world and the side content is your basic open world shite.
I also play FO1 and 2 for the story.
Yet Bethesda are/were the publishers when it released and Beth owned the fallout IP then and continues to own the IP.
I fucking care when I only play docked and games like xenoblade chronicles 3 fucking lag in places. The switch is used least for me between an s, ps5 and a midrange pc despite it having “fun games”
I’ve just started reading starship troopers and very true.
I’d only sell my switch to go to a switch 2 when the switch 2 is hackable.
I read the IGN article that covered the additions. Including more colour, and a character that provides hints and a badge that plays the original soundtrack while suffering performance problems (not acceptable on hardware that’s more recent than the gamecube) isn’t enough for me to pay 50 quid. And I bought Mario all stars, the Pokemon let’s go remake and skyward sword HD. I’m done buying Nintendo remasters that have been up sealed with very little added or improved. And I don’t own or played the original I have a rom of the original. I never even had a GameCube.
Welp. I don’t know if I’m capable of working to begin with my chronic illness. I’m unemployed currently and it’s not even manageable at home, I’ve been in hospital twice in a month. And I’ve been having a flare up of it since January. So most two seasons so far.
Or rom sites. I think it was Nintendo that had Emuparadise shut down.
I might get a switch 2 only after it’s hackable. I thought of doing it with the switch but it seemed too complex for me. At this point I’m really fed up with Nintendo’s anti consumer bs. And I’m not just referring to the copyright takedowns and closure yuzu but things like the Mario all stars collection which they then created artificial scarcity around and the Zelda anniversary where they release a HD remaster of skyward sword which is seen as the weakest of the series. I do enjoy the odd Nintendo game but I’ve had my switch since the year after it came out and I’ve only beaten 4-5 games on it and I’ve only 10-20 at most on it and those are mostly indies.
Saving this site. I was still using 1337x through a proxy.
Edit: Actually just clicked the link and noticed that I used it before I think for 2 trails games, maybe. I had already bought it on PlayStation and wanted to play it on PC as the whole trails series is on PC and not PlayStation and I owned most of the games at the time on PC so wanted the last of the 2 cold steel games to finish the collection and that way they were in one place.
I just used an HD texture pack with dolphin and that’s how I’ll play it. I’m fucked if I’m spending 60 quid on a game that’s had minimal additions.
I’ll definitely get this but I’ll wait for the pc or ps5 release. Ace attorney is available on all platforms so it’s inevitable it’ll release on something else.