I think some of this comes with age?
I used to be more willing to watch that stuff 20 years ago, which was almost half my lifetime ago.
But it’s personal choice.
There were some pretty horrendous stuff on TV, particularly an episode of Law and Order LA where they were dissolving a guy in lye in a bathtub and an episode of Medium where a guy was putting out lit cigarettes on the belly of a dog. I noped right the fuck out of those. These were both years ago at this point but I pretty much refuse to watch cop shows anymore as a result.
One aspect of sex in media is probably the accessibility of pornography. It’s not special anymore to see a butt or a nipple, so it’s not driving people to the theaters. When I was a kid the closest thing that I had to a Playboy was the Lane Bryant catalog, so seeing Cindy Crawford’s side-boob was pretty awesome, even if I had to endure Alec Baldwin’s hairy ass for the privilege.
The social acceptance of things seem to be like a pendulum rather than a continuous movement too. It’s definitely swinging towards the prude at the moment. It will swing back eventually.
And the rightwards pivot chasing the “regretful Trump voter” and that stellar Cheney endorsement.
Republicans voted GOP just like they always did. People who wanted anything resembling change stayed home. Unfortunately they’re going to get that change…
I voted Harris, but the Democrats need to abandon neo liberalism and embrace economic populism. People need affordable housing, healthcare, affordable healthy food, and a plan for the climate that doesn’t involve mass extinction.
That being said, these people won’t live long enough to see the worst of it. I hope that I don’t. I don’t have children, but I imagine that if you’re under 35 right now, you’re going to live long enough to see the water wars.