Yeah. There is no left wing party here. Decades of right wing propaganda have convinced our populace of the Ingsoc motto. 😭
Yeah. There is no left wing party here. Decades of right wing propaganda have convinced our populace of the Ingsoc motto. 😭
Can we have some of this in the US, please? While we still exist.
Eww, David.
He’s doing the Hillary strategy: “Who else are you going to vote for, plebs? Trump?”
I’m in California and I’ve been NPA (No Party Affiliation) for almost my entire voting-age life. So NPA is an option… at least in some states.
I want that game - exactly as it is - but with new, modern graphics. AC+AX is about as perfect as a game can possibly get. Just needs a fresh coat of paint.
I was going to say most of this, too. I’m a big adherent of BDD, which works well with agile. It clarifies what everyone is working on without getting weighed down in unnecessary minutiae or “documentation for paperworks sake”… it lives and evolves with the project, and at the end becomes both testing criteria and the measurement of success.
Speaking from my own experience, having seen this over and over again…
Lack of UX due to toxic behavior towards would-be UX contributors.
A lot of projects don’t have UX people… and that is usually because when UX people try to contribute, they get shot down with prejudice by toxic, overprotective gatekeepers who take everything personally.
You don’t interact with many ESL people, do you?
And also, even if they are a Jewish Palestinian they can still be murdered with absolute impunity.
…however Zionists want to hijack all Jews…
It seems pretty clear that they understand this. It looks like there’s just a little bit of a language barrier here, is all.
Bad faith misdirection question is bad faith, misdirection.
E for effort, though.
To grossly oversimplify things, there are two kinds of vegans…
Type 1 are “healthy living” and “sustainability” vegans. These type are generally benign, polite, helpful, positive, and keep to themselves unless asked. They also tend to not be super militant about their veganism… like the occassional egg from someone’s beloved home-raised chickens is fine.
Type 2 are ideological vegans. These types believe that “exploiting” “living creatures” in any way is fundamentally immoral, and because it’s a morality issue (e.g. basically religion) the vast majority are very preachy, demanding, and in-your-face about it. They don’t consider type 1 to be “real vegans”.
Type 2, being the loudest and most abrasive, giving veganism a bad name and ruining it for everyone.
extremists on both sides
Right Extremists: Murder our political opponents! Kill the queers and the coloreds! Install our dictator! Anyone that isn’t a white christian nationalist doesn’t deserve to live!
Left Extremists: Everyone deserves access to health care, housing, and basic necessities! Limit the hoarding of wealth and power! Protect democracy! End mass murder and genocide!
“bOTh sIdeS Are THe sAME!”
Been doing that for years. Will happily continue.
But I’m just one person. Ubisoft won’t feel it unless hundreds of thousands more do the same.
Ding ding ding ding ding.
Political parties are poison to democracy… and our two-party system is nothing more or less than cancer of democracy.
And why do any of these problems exist at all? Capitalism, and the millionaires and billionaires that such a system enables.