Beautiful, great light and saturation.
Beautiful, great light and saturation.
So an old dementia patient can be president but not a young active person who will also be affected by her decisions in the future, is too young ? You can go fight in a war at 18 but not president? WTF !
You will put an old relic in power who will not care about the long future since they won’t be there !
I am not an American, (I’m Canadian) I don’t know Tim at all. I heard AOC before and wonder why she is not your president yet lol she’s so great. But this little clip makes ne feel like Tim is a great dude. I wonder why the orange turd and his crazy running mate have any chances at all in the election !
Like you have the choice between some crazy criminals and some good people and it’s a tight race ? I don’t get it.
If I open a store in my town and start selling fake crap I can’t go and say “sorry not my fault I’m just a reseller you need to deal with the guy who sold it to me” I will be brought to court and loose why is Amazon allowed to sell fakes and non UL complient equipment?
Nice ! You made me think of spinning up a little server. It’s been a while since I’ve dabbled in managing a server and not aure I have the time for that. But you made the chances if me going for it much higher.
Would a raspberry pi 4 be enough for running it ?
I put them up to sleep but end up being too interested to fall asleep.
You ever heard of lossless compression? Well they developed lossfull anti compression, it compresses and decompresses the images so many times that the added artifacts create a larger file than original ! Impressive ain’t it?
WTF is that news site ? Big redirection to a scam that says you are a lucky google winner and claim your prize etc… I could not even try to read the first sentence before I gotnbooted to a crappy fake google site.
Don’t they want to have a bit of credibility?
I for sure will not stay and or return to that site ever again. Probably filled with spyware and other exploit.
I like to make this analogy: Would you let your kid alone in india or any other country? Cause letting YOUR kid alone on the Internet is the exact same. They are interacting with potentially billions of strangers.
I don’t want the Internet to be moderated to a death of information, I want YOU to watch YOUR kids. I shouldn’t have to be deprived of access to information because YOU are too lazy to raise YOUR kids !
Why not shut down the place liquidate it’s asset’s and distribute it all to the workers. Fuck that management they created that mess and deserve to pay for it !
And his followers don’t understand all it means is… I need you to vote for me and I don’t care what happens to you after that.
Or when the floods come after all the ice cap melts.
And yet I keep seeing push for nuclear energy in the news stating it as ‘clean’ energy ? Is it clean or dangerously radioactive ? They outa set their minds in the news. I personally despise creating pollution that will last longer than a generation. Why put onto others the repercussions of our own comfort ?
The same people calling nuclear clean argue that solar and wind is polluting. I would rather have the pollution of a solar and wind production in my backyard than nuclear waste.
One guy has fully remastered the game with super high resolution and all nut won’t release it because it would be illegal.
Already happening here in Canada!
Worst is that it happened before in Japan so the organizers should have known.
But also the blind forever is exaggerated, uvc exposure damage to the eyes is temporary.
It’s ok, your “rant” was on point and easily readable! Thanks 👍
Fast fashion mogul… Kinda translate to slave labor exploiter.