Even better, try giving a cop the full Zack de la Rocha!
(Do not)
Even better, try giving a cop the full Zack de la Rocha!
(Do not)
That’s not how a government budget works. It’s much more complicated that “number red or number black” like in a household budget.
Taxes are what funds the government regardless of deficit reduction and lack thereof.
When you’re $10,000 over the bracket, you can keep $900 of that money for your stock portfolio and give the rest to the IRS, or you can spend $10,000 and pretend it is a “business expense”. That money you spend turns into someone’s paycheck; that $900 does not.
The money going to the IRS does, but you’re otherwise absolutely right.
Which is why stock trading should be banned. It’s main functions by now are propping up companies that keep decreasing quality and increasing prices while diverting money into the dragon hoards of billionaires and hectomillionaires, forever out of reach from the pool of available resources that other people need to live.
Are you going for the world record in projection?
I’m pretty sure Guiness Book of Records canceled that category after too many people hurt themselves trying to beat it. So sorry for your only skill becoming worthless
You didn’t answer my question from earlier: doesn’t it hurt to be more dense than a neutron star?
You know that anti-intellectual bigotry and cosplaying as Biff Tannen from the Back To The Future movies is a dead giveaway that you’re dumber than a bag of rocks, right?
Of course you don’t. That would require self-awareness.
Nah, too annoyed by your continued insistence on foisting your idiocy on me for laughing.
Annoyance ≠ rage or lack of calmness, though. Yet another thing that the vast majority of humans are aware of but you apparently aren’t 🙄
points to the majority of history
Take your pick. I’m not being paid to reach you what you should already know and would if not for your ideological blinders.
Yeah, a device that turns unearned arrogance into gold. You’re going to make me as rich as a high-ranking member of the Communist Party of China!
Again with the projection and anti-intellectualism. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you’re proof that horse shoe theory has merit.
To be clear, it doesn’t. In spite of your being just as moronic as anyone in the MAGA cult in many of the same ways.
Yeah, because all reaction memes are from Twitter and mocking equals rage 🙄
Of the dozens of times your parents dropped you on your head as a child, how many would you say were deliberate?
Nah. Like everything else I’ve told you, you clearly didn’t understand the first couple of times and never will. Now stop wasting my time with your inane blathering.
What are you, the bully in an American teen movie from the 80s? 🥱
Makes sense that someone so obviously bereft of intellectual honesty and basic reading comprehension would nerd-bash, I guess 🤷
Nah, patience. Fuck off.
WTF are you even babbling about?
Also, which part of “go away” did you consider an invitation to keep spewing idiocy at me?
More projection from the bigly mad tankie 😄
See my previous refutation of your projection. And then go away to have the day you deserve like I told you earlier.
Nah, I’ve patiently laid out my arguments and clarified where necessary.
That you’ve proven beyond any doubt that you’re either unwilling or incapable of considering any of them does not retroactively turn them into bad faith ones like the litany of non sequiturs and other fallacies you’ve been vomiting at me from the start of this futile exchange.
I hate it when government agencies are named sarcastically…