Thank you for explaining myself to me. I have never been more ecstatic to be a woman than after hearing this enlightened kind sentiment.
Thank you for explaining myself to me. I have never been more ecstatic to be a woman than after hearing this enlightened kind sentiment.
Friend I don’t want to be raped to death in a 2025 US concentration camp so I’m voting for Joe. I’m sorry this is what it’s come down to for many of us.
Didn’t immigration to Israel increase due to persecution of Jewish people? So if there was no Christ / bible leading to Judaism separating from Christianity, we wouldn’t have the resulting anti-semitism that caused Jewish people to return to their biblical homeland and displace the indigenous Palestinians. Honest inquiry.
As someone who still confuses these “turn it around that way” - jiggles hand in vague motion- “oops no the other way” usually works just fine.
I only have anecdotes, but as an American, it’s #1. It was my initial off the cuff thought. Buttholes are verboten here. Full stop.
It was an abrasive statement, but as a vegetarian who still loves cheese and eggs, there is a lot of truth in it. Much US large-scale farming harms the animals, workers, and environment. The animal feed land could be used for crops. Eating primarily meat and little else is not nutritionally complete. Large swaths of the rainforest are cut down to raise beef cattle. End of the day you are unnecessarily killing an innocent creature because it tastes good. People don’t want to hear these things, they want a bacon double double. They want waygu. That’s the cognitive dissonance that makes people mad. Again, I eat eggs that aren’t always ethically sourced and who knows about my delicious cheese, but I’m not getting up in arms trying to claim I’m still a great person when I’m wrist deep in queso.