The nylon does
The nylon does
And here I thought it was intentional
GN’s follow up video is actually their normally scheduled news vid that happens to address Linus’ poor reaction.
IIRC from when someone tried to mail ricin to Obama back when he was president its from crushed up castor bean powder
He did say in the video it was being auctioned off for Extra-Life.
It doesn’t help that the titles get changed a handful of times throughout the release day so even if you remember the name it may not be the same if you want to re-watch it.
I don’t need an office, I already have quite a nice office at home to work from.
Based on the wording in the article its going to be tied to what the workers could be making doing private projects.
20V tools are 5S rather than 6S
18650s are in no way close to the same size as AA batteries. Your other points ring true and I generally agree with them though.
New cars cost so much compared to even a few year old used vehicles its insane.
In the Fdroid page there is a link to the google play store version next to their donate button so they’re using it as a way to make it easier to donate to them.
Oh wow, even their claimed mileage is terrible.
Nobody should expect to reach fuel efficiency targets if they don’t even attempt to drive efficiently. Your other points stand though.
Dang, which model?
I’m going to go without it from now on. I can handle clarifying myself if it’s absolutely necessary for someone.
We should leave the /s back on reddit
Twitter is Twitter. Facebook is Facebook too for that matter.
I’ve been doing that since middle school and oh boy did it ever peeve my teachers.