My comment was in relation to a comment (now deleted?) which was very tasteless.
My comment was in relation to a comment (now deleted?) which was very tasteless.
Are you always pro-rape and pro-fascist islamism or is it only in this case?
Hungary’s politicians are really doing their best to be the most evil, annoying, unfriendly, arrogant assholes they can. They can’t even explain WHY, they just want to be dickheads.
Great “alliance partner”…
Navidrome is neat
What do you mean? The fascist islamist terrorists of Hamas wanted Israel to retaliate? For what reason? I think you give them too much credit, they just took an opportunity to kill as many as they could.
Seeing who they voted for, someone set for destroying everything sane, they will sadly not figure anything out any time soon.
They didn’t, the community edition existed before Adobes purchase.
Yes, ”Wichser”, and it has the exact same meaning and use. If you haven’t noticed the article is in English so they translated it.
What insane accusations. You’re really a lost cause. I am happy not to have any such attitudes in my local refugee support and antifascist groups, history will again prove us right. No pasaran against imperialism, religion, hierarchies and racism.
I was not allowed to say it is a disgrace to be a rape apologist (comment removed), I guess this is a real great forum for you to hang around since you are able to say any lie you made up or read online without consequences.
Genocidal nazis. Wow. I bet soon you’ll claim the holocaust was faked as well.
Btw I am critical towards the racist state of Israel but here we are discussing the terror, rape and slaughter by the fascist islamist terror cowards of Hamas which you have no problem to cheer on in your black-white mindset. Maybe it’s just an internet troll game for you but we are discussing real human life and suffering here.
You’re so deep into your conspiracy theories that you believe all the shit the rape apologists make up to defend the islamists. What a disgrace.
Fascism is a global problem.
It’s quite well documented. Let’s hope they all crash and burn.
Nice one!
They have about 130 operational SU34s.
Probably, but now the crashed burned out car has slid off the road and is tumbling down a hillside into the deep sea.
Like watching a car crash in real time.
This is not my type of game but Nintendo is really on a streak with huge releases lately. Zelda, Mario Wonder, Metroid and so on.
SQLite sure but I doubt PHP has any negative impact.