What makes you think they are?
What makes you think they are?
Step 6: after fermentation process is complete,…
I’d imagine they help with chafing thighs!
Not much to report on here… until you can explain why the wing snapped.
Ukraine has been calling for this since the start of the war.
I understand the political minefield this war poses, but I cannot help but recall the countless lives lost in the trenches before this decision was finally made.
If the US had begun this process sooner, is it not likely that the situation would be much different now?
The aforementioned comment was not sarcasm!
It is absolutely sarcasm!
NO!!! it was the Bastard Biden all along! He also single-handedly made the gas prices go UP!!! It had NOTHING to do with OPEC, petroleum companies, and an unstable economy! I SAW THE EXECUTIVE ORDER IN MY DREAMS! (/¯ ಠ_ಠ)/¯
Pontification aside, he’s really just wondering if some Uber-conservatives disregard the etymology and jump to the conclusion stated in his post.
This is huge, is it not? No loss in potential energy means that I could have an infinitely floating coffee cup without the use of power, no?
Seriously. The attempt at “humane” execution via lethal injection is selfish and asinine.
The kindest way to kill someone is by shooting them, but that doesn’t look very nice.
Obviously neither should be allowed under the constitution, but it’s laughably selfish to force the death sentence via lethal injection because the people doing the killing would be traumatized otherwise.
If u do t want to get shot… don’t rob houses?
As mentioned above, the expectation is that the homeowners will have guns.
It has been native for a short while now!
How this fool know so much?
That stuff is dangerous in its own right.