Morrowind, there are some great multi player communities.
Mindustry, sometimes i just listen to the machines.
pretty much any console game on emulators, recently playing ffvii again while i wait for rebirth pc port.
shattered pixel dungeon.
Morrowind, there are some great multi player communities.
Mindustry, sometimes i just listen to the machines.
pretty much any console game on emulators, recently playing ffvii again while i wait for rebirth pc port.
shattered pixel dungeon.
i think this is what made it unfun, not the difficulty but the fact that you have to die a few times to even see what you’re supposed to do and it was aggravating way early in the game. Also I’m not a fan of the difficulty stemming from the controls being hard to use, like when you’re carrying stuff.
I keep picking this game up and putting it back down. It’s beautiful but I just can’t get into it.
here https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1610381114 we can talk about this, feel free to put forward counter arguments, the gist of the cited paper is that previous studies claiming 100% renewable baseload is possible requires sketchy manipulation of the expected demand as well as currently unavailable storage technology on an almost impossible scale. We’re working on all kinds of storage solutions but the reality is we’re not there yet. I’m rooting for molten salt storage or compressed gas storage rather than ramping up more lithium battery storage. Flow batteries are promising as well, but in any case we won’t have enough storage or transmission capability to have a 100% renewable baseload in the next couple of decades.
like not the onion but it’s not bertstrips
Not OP. Only using the cited article, it says the NPP will last 40-80 years and maintenance will be expensive after 40 years but gives no figures, then says solar would last 50 years and be cheaper to maintain but again gives no figures. These statements may be true but without figures this is nothing more than an oversimplified opinion piece. We’re not going to have a productive discussion with opinion pieces.
i would not infer that 30% was the limit, that’s just the reduction after 1 year of donating every 6 weeks.
someone that needs blood has probably lost blood already so it’s probably better to not die.
Friendly reminder to donate blood or plasma regularly. We do need to deal with PFAS, but at least you can reduce the accumulation in your body.
i can’t believe they could fit that many donuts in a person.
Change your user agent string to chrome or edge, some of the ‘unsupported features’ will start working too.
As others have said, pumped storage is dependant on geography but it’s great where available. I have high hopes for compressed CO2 storage or molten salt storage. Flow batteries are promising as well, there’s just so many emerging technologies it’s hard to keep track of them all but I’m rooting for the ones that use abundant cheap materials that can retrofit into existing retired coal plants. If you stick a molten salt core where a coal plant was it can heat steam for the existing turbines and substation and transmission infrastructure.
there are free online lectures out there like MIT open courseware, i’ve rewatched some classes that i got fuzzy on. Also specific concepts may be better explained on youtube by like organic chemistry tutor or 3 blue 1 brown.
I have not paid to retake a class though.
I wish I could forget oblivion so I could experience it the first time again. Emerging from prison after that long tutorial. Spending hours in complicated oblivion gates.
Realizing that Martin is the protagonist and you’re a side character
And the shivering fucking isles. The butterflies.
edit: idk how to spoiler tag
I want to start seeing this stuff on buildings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDRnEm-B3AI
tldw: ultra white meta material paint that reflects infrared into space at a frequency that doesn’t get absorbed by the atmosphere.
ugh, I’m glad i’ve moved on from IT but I’ve had many arguments with ‘security managers’ about some bogus qualys findings. If the CVE is that a user could do a thing in an unexpected way, but they have permission to do the thing that is a bug not a vulnerability. IMO It’s only a vulnerability if someone that is not allowed to do something can do the forbidden thing.
Yep, I think you can donate plasma more often as well. Oneblood will give you giftcards and swag for whole blood, not nearly as good a payout as plasma but it’s also like 15 minutes where my experience with plasma was a couple hours, they did set me up with netflix during the process so I think it’s worth the extra bit of time.
PFAS is everywhere at this point. Unfortunately they’re reeeeeally good at what they’re designed for and they’re cheap. We’ll need viable alternatives so they can be phased out. I think they should be banned from products that don’t really need them like dental floss and hopefully we come up with an enzyme or something that can cheaply break it down in the environment.
Side note, there has been at least one study that shows that donating blood regularly can reduce the amount of PFAS in your blood. This doesn’t solve the problem of the stuff being everywhere but it’s good to know you can remove it from your body over time.
Yeah, it’s incredibly frustrating when propaganda uses partially true information to push their agenda. From a first aid perspective, letting the wound bleed a bit and get oxygen exposure can reduce the initial infection. You should absolutely get the vaccine though because why fucking risk it?
You have to have the original game files either from the disk or downloaded from GoG or steam. Then you need tes3mp which runs great on linux and windows. I personally play on a server called neravarine prophecies, they have seasonal events and the community is a lot of fun. It uses the same engine as openMW so most of the mods that work on OpenMW are compatible, I’d stick with cosmetics to keep the servers you join compatible.
Different servers have different rules, many of them forbid going into areas that cause server crashes, i.e. mornhould.
I had a blast, then I got my kids to play and i was there to guide them a bit when the game gets tough.