Anything cyberpunk usually fits that bill. Like Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix sounds and is ridiculous in many ways, but also has some insights on the rich taking over the media and prison system.
Anything cyberpunk usually fits that bill. Like Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix sounds and is ridiculous in many ways, but also has some insights on the rich taking over the media and prison system.
The Settlers games have not been Settlers games after the fourth one. Except of course the remake, but that also was a very long time ago.
Sanna Marin was not supposed to be the prime minister, but the old white guy fucked up so bad he had to resign after half a year and they had to switch in a hurry. The last government was a sum of multiple coincidences.
The Finns party coming in power has been on the cards for a decade. Actually they have been for a while before, but the moderates, including the party founder, chosen as the ministers split off when people running the current party line were elected to run the party. This time the National Coalition decided to take the risk again with the finns party, so they wouldn’t have to compromise their economic policies with the leftist parties and the risk seems to have backfired more quickly and worse they anticipated.
Yeah, that’s the joke. The video ends abruptly because of a segfault.
I like using Firefox, but it’s a bit ironic to have google analytics tracking on the page you declare to protect the users privacy.