Does Textra do auto txt forwarding?
Does Textra do auto txt forwarding?
Maybe a calendar that starts with the creation of the Earth (approx 4 billion years ago) as it’s starting point?
It wasn’t really a failure of the intelligence community it was a failure of the Bush administration. Bush couldn’t believe his “friends” in Saudi Arabia would do anything to harm his administration, after all his family had had a long and profitable association with them for years.
Plus, at the time the Bush administration was up to its neck in scandals (anyone remember the Enron Scandal?). Bush’s popularity had cratered and it was looking increasingly like he would loose the midterms and Presidential elections.
What’s more likely: a rather straight forward plot by a bunch of fanatical fundamentalist religious nut jobs bent on destroying the “godless American devils” supported by their equally fanatical fundamentalist nation state or an incredibly complicated plot by a third party? See, this is why Occam’s Razor exists.
Spoiler alert: they didn’t succeed
The real issue is not so much the debt but rather revenue raising, the increasing debt is merely a symptom of the US’s inability to attract enough revenue (via taxes) to cover it’s spending. Decades of propaganda by the right (you could easily substitute Oligarchy here) and the slashing of taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations has created an unsustainable debt situation. This is despite the sovereign debt issue.
Not shown: 10 billion mosquitoes!
As a reminder, Australia did the exact same thing. Facebook and Google threatened to remove their services but backed down. Don’t believe their propoganda they’ll pay and stay
This is super important to know. Getting the right sequence identified and reproduced correctly is an enormous task similar in scope to producing a nuclear weapon that actually, you know, works.
Emerald called, they want their Van Gogh back…
Thanks for the insights guys (sadly lacking in the original article)
Yeah, farewell Reddit. I did know you well…
Seriously, who fucking cares?
The pertinent lesson to be learned here is that democracy (especially non compulsory voting democracy) is about engagement. It’s not just about political conversation (although that’s important too) but getting out and doing something. Don’t just assume someone will do the hard yards for you. Register and go out and get others to register. If necessary join a political organisation that reflects your politics or start one. Be involved in local politics. In short: get off your arse and do something.
Fuck Pootin, grubby bastard is prepared to starve Africa for the sake of his pathetic excuse of a war.
Look, feel your pain (I’m serious, I’m in the middle of a couple of root canals) but the solution isn’t just technology. You need a public health framework to drive down the price gouging.
Everyone is acting like the CFMEU is some sort of Socialist Democratic Union. It’s not. The Problem with the CFMEU (and in particular: the construction division)is that it’s a total top down hierarchy that’s dominated by thugs and criminals.