There’s also always someone that says “I fixed it, thanks” and then doesn’t say how.
There’s also always someone that says “I fixed it, thanks” and then doesn’t say how.
I bet the staff wouldn’t be struggling so much if he paid them more in the first place
People struggle when they don’t get paid due to not working. This shouldn’t be surprising. “Just pay them more” doesn’t work here unless you want everyone to be getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for every job, at which point inflation goes to 100% a year and you end up paying $5000 for an apple.
Writers, the ones complaining, get paid a shitload for their work. They get paid $100k for about 7 weeks work…and they want more… and they’ve somehow convinced the public who earn significantly less than them to stand up for them and fight to make them more money lol. One of the best grifts of all time tbh.
Absolutely not. It’s used everywhere on the web and other places.
Have or hate? You can buy lifetime licenses for word etc. The subscription gets you much more than just the software.
Watch it be some rebranded existing FOSS product 😂
So zero idea of what their software will be? 😂
SaaS serves a purpose that single purchase software doesn’t. There is room for both to exist.
Dementia is the worst. I would take dying of cancer or getting hit by a bus over Alzheimer’s or Aphasia or other forms of dementia. Truly the worst way to live your remaining years, which often is decades.
Why are Lemmy users Assholes.
Because most Lemmy users are ex (or current) reddit users.
They don’t “give a shit” about what sub it is, they just have automated things that do this.
Windows is blazingly fast on any decently spec’d machine these days. Boot times of like 5 seconds. Everything loaded up after you login basically instantly.
I can navigate Windows well enough for my job, but I’d never choose it for personal use.
😂 What exactly is hard to “navigate” about windows for personal use? (or professional use for that matter)
You have to pay for a license to be able to publish apps to the store, yes. This isn’t a bad thing, mainly just for the fact that it stops a lot of trash from being put on there.
The display name would stick out like a sore thumb. Either it’s the only one with an on it, or it’s the only one with 2 @instance.names.
That’s not at all how it works lol. You sign your website up to these services and add their code to your site and that’s what tracks this stuff. It has nothing to do with the users computer.
The point is that any website can get that data if they want to.
If you invent a language and it takes off, you’re literally the expert on it and will reap the financial windfall of that.
The same reason anyone creates a new product in an existing market - they want money.
It doesn’t matter how they’re instant, just that they are.
If your money is in a bank, the bank is “covering” every transaction you make.
Australia has instant transfers for 20 years+.
They’re not an authority though. They might want to be but they’re not.