Just watch me.
One of the few moments in Canadian history we can be proud of.
Just watch me.
One of the few moments in Canadian history we can be proud of.
First of all I didn’t say any of things you’re inferring from the quote you posted.
But yes, I think sexually exploitative imagery of children is just as vile and disgusting as behavior that directly harms children and very indicative of someone who may attempt to harm a child in the future.
Make anime illegal
Nah dude, I am perfectly cool with animated depictions of child sexual exploitation being in the same category as regualr child exploitation regardless of the fact that she’s actually a 10,000 old midget elf or whatever paper thin explanation they provide not to be considered paedos.
Just ask ChatGPT to cut them in half and count the rings.
Wouldn’t this kind of be like drug addicts telling children why drugs are bad?
Very few ways to better learn why something is right than far reaching consequences for doing it wrong.
On the internet anyone and everyone is always right.
Careful your transphobia is showing.
That’s a very loose definition of the word “struggles”
But he got upvotes on the internet, clearly he is right.
Humans are fucking doomed.
Confusing people agreeing with you and being right is how your shitty country wound up with people like Marjorie Taylor Space Laser as an elected official.
Normal civilized armies have rules of engagement.
Like if the US claims you have nuclear weapons and the UN says you have no evidence your war is illegal, you do it anyways. Murika Fuk Yah!
That whole war was a glorified terrorist attack in my eyes.
He makes several good points and your basically just vomitting buzzwords and copypasta.
The dude is so dumb he doesn’t even know that Donald Trump made America great again.
Now why I would I go and do something like that?
As someone that doesn’t understand US politics because I’m not American, I have a question.
Is it possible that the defecting republicans and the Democrats could band together and elect a democrat as the speaker?
If you read the article they blamed this attack on the excessive amount of money the US spends arming foreign countries to protect their interests.
I don’t normally believe this kind of propaganda and ultimately the US didn’t pull the trigger, they just wrote the check that facilatated the purchase of the weapons. Kind of a guns don’t kill people the people who buy guns for other people kill people type argument.
I generally volunteer during the weekend while I am not working.
You are absolutely correct about the productivity. Alas, the point of my post wasn’t to be productive.
Legitimate error on my part. Congrats on living in the greatest country in the world.
So instead they want to install cameras to continuously monitor the driver…