Over Alberta last night.
Thanks for the support. Some people think the world is uniform and don’t understand anything outside of their world view.
I run 1000 cows on a 60,000 acre ranch in southern Alberta. It’s too rough to run a semi truck and trailer around on but I can haul a tri-axle Wilson gooseneck stock trailer with 20,000 lbs of cattle across it when I need to. There’s no roads through the ranch other than dirt trails so it takes a long time to travel through it and the fewer trips I have to make the better. Generally I’m moving cattle on horseback but occasionally I have to move old/sick/injured cows from a to b. Simply put, your European farms are miniscule and you don’t need the same capabilities that we do. The world is not uniform.
Recently bought a new diesel silverado 3500 for my ranch. It’s enormous, I’m glad I didn’t get the dually option as it’s hard enough to drive in the city. Most of its job however is pulling trailers around.
That said, on highway if I drive the speed limit and take it easy I can get 9L/100km. It’s unreal that such a huge truck will get almost the same economy as our KIA SUV.
Get out of here with your reason. That’s not what the internet is for. Now, would you like a torch or pitchfork?