Don’t you get it? We’ve saved time and added some reliability to the software! It. Sure it takes 3-5x the resources it needs and costs everyone else money - WE saved time and can say it’s reliable. /S
Don’t you get it? We’ve saved time and added some reliability to the software! It. Sure it takes 3-5x the resources it needs and costs everyone else money - WE saved time and can say it’s reliable. /S
Well that’s where Java comes in /slaps knee
You can see where chrome and Firefox 3.x coexisted.
Confidence doesn’t suit you
For example?
Right you don’t shut them down, you scale them down. My server also uses less power off peak demand.
Pretty cool video. Thank God for fast forward… I had enough idling around similar stores as a kid.
I am now genuinely curious as to the logistics at play for construction companies across the pond.
You’re not right enough to have a point. The games are published by Nintendo along with game freak and Pokemon co.