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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2024


  • I’m not so well versed in American media to answer your question which left leaning media would be acceptable for lemmings.

    BUT the Washington post is really a bad example. Just a few days ago the billionaire owner himself published his decision to focus on defense of ‘free market’ and ‘personal liberty’ in the opinion section. And let’s not kid ourselves that he isn’t deciding the direction of the rest of the news paper, that’s the only reason why you buy one.

    In 2024, the year of your article, the WP didn’t endorse any presidential candidate. So you seriously want to argue that a left leaning media would NOT endorse Harris over Trump?

    So it might be many things, but left leaning, under the current ownership, it is not.

    Left leaning history doesn’t mean anything if the current persons there aren’t the same who worked during that left leaning period.

  • Again, I’m not denying verifiable reality, you are not reading correctly.

    The article mentions the sentence in the following paragraphs

    Indeed, from the campaign trail in the east Berlin district of Lichtenberg, von Storch told Drop Site that “‘From the river to the sea’ means kill all Jews—I don’t think we should have that free speech, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

    Dayan had provocatively uttered the phrase, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” on social media in response to an article in November 2023 saying that the slogan should be prosecuted.

    -> not illegal, just some idiots calling for it to be illegal

    Here, just for you, from me who lives in Germany, where it’s not illegal to say it: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

    And I mean it, because what Israel is doing is simply a genocide. But that doesn’t mean you can just change reality to what you think it is.

    And honestly, if you read and understood the article, it shouldn’t take much time to search for the terms you know and then copy that into a comment to prove me wrong.

    … Because that is exactly what I did with this comment, proving you wrong that the sentence you wrote is in fact not illegal.

    Edit: after checking Wikipedia, I have to partially retract my statement about the legality. The ministry of inner affairs ordered Hamas as terrorist organization and the saying as its slogan and forbid it. However, multiple courts have already overturned that decision and stated that the saying is not illegal in itself, only if its meant as direct support for Hamas. So I was wrong, but the Wikipedia article explained it much better than the posted article.

  • I mean, I’m not an ultra fan, only a casual one and I dislike that. The whole over the top style of WH40k is exactly what was fascinating about it. If I want to play something with modern soldiers, I have Battlefield or Call Of Duty. I play 40k games for the absurdity of it. That’s exactly the kind of “I know better what the fans want” that most bad adaptations are born out of. Luckily it seems they didn’t feel the need to change too much.

    But admittedly, I can understand that you don’t want to create something where you are pretty sure enough media illiterate idiots will not get that the fascists are NOT supposed to be the good guys.