Hey, I’m in the same job hunting boat, but I’m in Norway! Good luck on your job quest 😊❤️
Hey, I’m in the same job hunting boat, but I’m in Norway! Good luck on your job quest 😊❤️
Oh my god how have I never seen this game! Fucking buying and playing today 🤘 thanks for the name!
Dude what a solid video! Stoked to watch more vids from that channel!
I’ve been using Seeker to get hi def flacs for my music library since I decided Spotify sucks a little while back!
Since I’ve flipped to offline music, it’s been a dream to return to the forever glorious Poweramp music player. Gorgeous & compatible with a buncha skins from the play store, but best of all, you can setup profile based EQs that’ll trigger based on song, album, Bluetooth device, genre… It’s wild
For podcasts I use Feeder on my RSS feeds & AudioAnchor as my player. Straightforward & operable from my pocket, which is all I need!
Keepass2android is a great password manager that does biometric auth & slick password generation. File based tho, be sure to sync it somewhere.
Loving identiconizer! Thanks!
Wow, organic maps is beautiful! Thanks!
On second thought… Seems they haven’t finished their glide type function for release yet, though it’s planned! Are you on a beta version or something to get the swipe function? Or were you talkin the backspace & spacebar swipe gestures? 🙂
Oh my god thank you!! I’ve been out of luck looking for an open swipe keyboard, I’m so excited you found one and shared it!!! WOOT!
Yeah! That still works for tabs it looks like, but you have to do Ctrl+shift+N to get closed windows back.
Not who you asked the question to, but I emigrated as well. We are very fortunate to have her mother’s side of the family here, so we’re living with them at the moment.
Sorting through all our life’s possessions and being forced to answer yes or no to ‘do we try to move this to our new home overseas’ was pretty tough.
The most challenging part was selling the house… We are still sitting on that, sadly. We have a great realtor (I hope), but currently we’re jobless and mortgage every month is gouging into our savings.
Thank god video games taught me to hoard funds for the OP items in late game 😅 dwindling fast, but couldn’t have done it without them.