Same here. I missed the lecture of many math classes figuring out basic on my ti84+. I mostly wrote simple games. The calculator made it easy to experiment since all the functionality could be found in menus or a button somewhere.
Same here. I missed the lecture of many math classes figuring out basic on my ti84+. I mostly wrote simple games. The calculator made it easy to experiment since all the functionality could be found in menus or a button somewhere.
But can the robot bullshit the pm during standup as well as I can?
This is what it looks like when I’m working on Jenkin files.
I have scripts to ssh and grep my logs across multiple VMs. Way faster than our crap Splunk instance. Pipe that shit through awk and I can find anything!
I use mosquito dunks in water for our house plants to prevent fungus gnats. The bacteria also kills the gnat larvae
Look no further https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-instruction_set_computer
You could also buy citric acid, relatively inexpensive and safe as vinegar.
I’ve been using Dvorak for over 15 years. There are dozens of us!
I use dvorak full time, but I can’t touch type on qwerty. I do get strange looks at work when I have to hunt and peck at the lab computers qwerty keyboards.
Too bad plugin hybrids are not more available. My family uses a 10 year old Chevy Volt as our main vehicle. It gets 38 miles/60km on battery which covers most of our driving. Only longer trips on the weekends or the occasional road trip uses any gas. The dehumidifier I run to keep the basement dry uses more electricity than the car. It does ok in snow with winter tires, as long as the snow isn’t too deep. I’m in rural great lakes region in a snow belt.
To be fair to the pilot, the “airport” runway appears to be a dirt strip along the river. They probably missed it by a few dozen meters.
It cost near $7k in healthcare costs when my son was born. That’s $1750 a year so far…
And elon’s current mood.
“Meet me in the Confidential Documents Bathroom if you wanna see my big 10 inch”
I’ve got to see this binder. It must be enormous! The largest I see for sale online claim to hold 1000 pages
Something special about waking up to a sunset
A little over 200 people lost their jobs when this plant closed, I doubt this was a large portion of the population.
I have no exposure to dnd but am loving the game. I like turn based games in general though.
My GOP rep hasn’t had a townhall in district since 2017