He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

  • 10 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • Gender is a struct

    struct Gender {
      byte binaryBias;    ///Determines male (+) or female (-) bias if present
      ubyte binaryAm;    ///Determines the amount of binary gender(s) present
      bool isTrans;    ///True if assigned at birth gender does not equal with current one
      ubyte xenoAm;    ///Determines the amount of xenogender
      uint xenoGen;    ///Xenogender selection, 0 if not applicable
      Sex* sex;    ///Pointer to the person's current sex

  • It’s time to return to the roots, the times when you used goto instead of function calls! Fortran and COBOL all the way! /s

    Once you look beyond the “git gud” and “we must gatekeep programming from the normies” aspects of coding, you might want a language that is either way more productive than C (D), a language that offers memory safety and functional programming paradigms (Rust), or even a language that has relatively good portability even at the cost of performance (Javascript).

    If you’re only grumpy about Electron apps, then be mad at the corporations that:

    • forced colleges and universities to teach Javascript and nothing else to students, so now we have programmers afraid of type declarations,
    • jumped on the “Big Data” and “software as a service” train, so every app needed to be a “website”, because “it’s so convenient, pops no longer need to install wordprocessor dot exe, just type wordprocessor dot com into a browser”.