Spotted the tolerant liberal!
Spotted the tolerant liberal!
I think it’s crazy that it’s happening though. I mean, out of site out of mine for some of you? They arrested some hardcore dudes man…I think it’s news worthy…
But it IS in fact news right? Is it still not worth reporting? I mean, these people really were arrested, should we just not care? I mean, I like to consider myself independent and neutral in politics (although I do lean more Right, I am registered as independent) but even I think this is news worth knowing. Here’s a direct link to the incident:
“Migrants with criminal convictions encountered by El Paso Sector agents include aggravated felons such as sex offenders, child predators and drug traffickers. Additional offenses include illegal possession of firearms, assault, domestic violence, and burglary. Some of the migrants encountered have gang or Mexican Drug Cartel affiliations.”
So, that’s your reply? Since all countries are corrupt, even the US, we should NOT limit, or even QUESTION where the money is going? Spoken like a true Democrat.
Remember folks, we’re not allowed to even question all the money being sent to Ukraine, you know, one of the most CORRUPT countries in the world…
Many countries are getting more hardcore because there seems to be this internationally mentality of “since your country is doing better, you MUST accept all and any immigrants…”. It’s gotten ridiculous. It seems that only when Western countries or European countries start cracking down on immigration and the issues that surround it, it’s a problem. Never mind the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and South America…who are constantly battling the same things but no one seems to care that they’re trying to enforce immigration changes…
Trump won’t pull support for Ukraine, that’s just a scare tactic from the Left. The entire government is united on the issue of stopping Russia, Trump alone can’t do much about that. If anything, he’ll just crack down harder on how/where the money is spent. Again, I hate this “just give them what they want!” mentality coming from the Left. There should always be questions, concerns, limits…etc…when giving billions of dollars to any country.
It’s a balance. I don’t agree with everything that the Republicans do, just like I don’t agree with everything the Democrats do. However, both parties are flawed and both parties are doing things in the interests of different groups.
You’re spending too much time on Reddit and Lemmy. Republicans will always support Ukraine (they hate Russia too!). The issue isn’t about support, it’s about limits. We have to have checks and balances when financing a war, this isn’t a free for all. The Republicans are just making sure the money is being spent how it’s supposed too. All of a sudden, they’re called “traitors” and “ass-kissers.” Which is just ridiculous. How soon we forget Ukraine was once considered one of the most corrupt countries on Earth.
Oh brother…her and her elite inner circle will be fine. When I say BOTH sides are guilty of using scare tactics to get votes, this is what I’m talking about. Democrats and the Left want to scare people into thinking the world will end if a Republican becomes President. They all said the same thing when Trump became President in 2017.
This isn’t a bad thing people…calm down and stop acting like Reddit.
Why aren’t we allowed to start asking questions about all this foreign aid without being crucified? Is it really that unimportant that Republicans ask for more border funds and funds for Israel with these propose aids for other countries? It’s amazing that the rest of the world shits on America for getting in everyone else’s business, but then, always wants us to do more…
I’m simply saying that I know a family from another country, Sweden, that has experience something similar to what’s going on in Switzerland. Sorry, I guess I should have been more specific.
Yes, of course. I’m just giving an example of what could happen if a country isn’t careful…
“If you’re not Liberal, you’re a Fascist” Sincerely, Liberals.
So, what are you suggesting? I mean, you sound like you’re just going with the same old “let everyone in, worry about it later…” rhetoric that many on the Left like to spew…
I work for a family from Sweden. They’re great people, very humble, very proud to be American and very proud of their Swedish roots. However, they recently went back to Sweden and were appalled by some of the stuff they experienced. They said they saw more “street gangs” roaming around, something you’d see like in Los Angeles. It’s something they’ve seen before, but it looks like it’s getting worse. This is something new to many Swedens…street gangs were almost unheard of a decade ago. My point is that a country has a right to implement strict immigration rules/laws if it means keeping their own people safe first.
So what then? You go to a new country as a hardcore Muslim, and are allowed to treat women like shit? Is that fair to the citizens of that country? I mean, I remember that story in the US about that man who "honor killed’ his daughters, is that okay?
Nah, just had to take a break from Reddit…