Imagine rooting for genocide only because of horse race politics.
Imagine rooting for genocide only because of horse race politics.
Seems I found the first thing you’re ignorant about. Perspective.
I’m sure it would.
No doubt. Every friend I have is a trumper, but my best friend believes in the cabal. It’s tough and it’s heartbreaking. But I decided I’m just going to be an example of tolerance if nothing else.
🙏 Good on you. Thanks and same to you. Luckily I used to be petulant and conservative so I can fit in when I need to. And my income is used by my partner to raise a child surrounded by love, understanding, and encouragement. So I feel like I’m filtering a portion of capitalism into raising a little communist. 🤣 It’s enough to keep me gritting through the xenophobia. 😬
I think this type of thinking is just as toxic as the thinking of the ones you so quickly call “idiots”. Not only do you fail to affect the situation in any positive way, but you harden the commitment of those that fell for the grift. Furthermore, you’re blatantly wrong. I’m sure there are things you are ignorant about. I’m positive I could find things that you think that I could demonstrate to be wildly inaccurate (mostly because I work in a very niche field that very few people do). None of them would make you an idiot. It’s okay to not know something. I’m not saying you should pander to anyone, but patience is a balm. Have some.
Closeted socialist here. I work in an extremely remote 24/7 process industry. They play Newsmax on the TVs in the chow hall and the only time they don’t is when they are replacing tvs. EVERYONE here is a degree of an alt righter. Some were at J6. Some have “Alex Jones was right” on their thermos’. I honestly believe some would kill me if I said I’ve read Marx. Not a single one of them could accurately define a political, economic, or social system without distracting with tropes, jingoistic rhetoric, or whataboutisms. Academic education is brainwashing. Christianity is a brand-name but you don’t have to read the Bible to be a christian. I made the mistake of expressing my disappointment of Trump because of what he has said about veterans. I was mocked for believing propaganda and over time I have become known as “the liberal”. That was all it took.
It’s frustrating, and I daily struggle with unchecked bigotry. But most people here do not wake up and choose to be racist or evil. They are doing what their wildly misled moral compass is telling them to be righteous. In their eyes, the pandering of the media that we see is absolute and total corruption to them. The media does lie, they have lied. Most of them couch it In ignorance and a whispered redaction, but that’s all it took. If they can lie about anything, then they must be lying about the unflattering things. There’s a bit of head-in-the-sand and delusion, but in their eyes the rape, the lawsuits, the theft from taxpayers, all of it is exactly what they would say if they were trying to make him look bad. That’s enough for them.
I honestly don’t blame them. They have fallen for grifts, lies, and propaganda that goes back at least 200 years.
Great explanation, but unfortunately the post in the image OC missed the absolute best part, the parody article.
I know that CO2 is what the body uses to push the sensation of “needing” air. So I wonder if that would have changed his CO2 content from what it would be in just nitrogen…
The most “united” thing about the US is undoubtedly Citizens United. Otherwise, yep.
Medac fucking blows.
Vet here. I give you my blessing. 😉 I’m okay when it comes from people genuinely, but when it comes from the employee at Lowe’s, it means absolutely nothing, regardless - so I usually just say “no thank you”. And I think people only do it because marketing in the early 2000s really pushed that shit. When I got back in 2005, people in the airport started an applause and some old greasy guy grabbed my arm and took my hand to shake it. I hated every second of it. I wished the building would have collapsed on them. I kept thinking, I wonder if they would be so quick to applaud us if they saw half the pictures I had taken. I deleted every picture I had and exorcized those SD cards within days. And the only thing outside of my own head that reminds me of the horrible shit we did is those fucking bobbleheads and their incessant gratuity.
That said, I did get the third degree from a Vietnam vet once because, he “never got thanked” for his service, “they just called us babykillers”. Which I thought was funny, because when I was shipping out, a young adolescent saw us in uniform and yelled, “babykillers!”, to which I responded, “wrong war buddy”, and my platoon mates laughed. So I suppose getting empty, ignorant valor is better than misdirected vitriol.
Either way, fuck nationalists.
Where’s the confusion? They protested the notion of drunk driving several times – many more than necessary. Protesting is like eating pasta. You can’t do too much of it.
So frustrating. I got it working for about 10 minutes. Added users, authenticated them, made posts, uploaded banner, logged in and out many times. Then it just shut down. 502: bad gateway.
I tried to rebuild it fresh and found out that the ansible method has you request a new letsencrypt cert EVERY TIME IT RUNS. And after 5 certs, it bans your domain for 168 hrs…
So now I have to wait until next week to try again, and I’ll only have 5 chances at getting it right.
I keep looking at the mastodon documentation and it’s so nice. It’s complete and thorough. I just wish a Lemmy dev or literally anyone would write a better guide.
I’m just so fucking deflated right now. Thinking of buying a new domain just so I can keep testing.
try starttls (port 587)
😃 OMG it just worked! Thank you so much!!! You have no idea how excited I am to get my instance up and live! Here is my current lemmy.hjson after a successful ansible install:
email: {
smtp_server: ""
smtp_login: "apikey"
smtp_password: "theActualApiKey"
smtp_from_address: "noreply@my.domain"
tls_type: "starttls"
For others, I’m using digitalOcean for my VPS and sendgrid for the SMTP relay.
Thanks for getting back to me!
Okay, sendgrid gives me this:
Configure your application with the settings below.
Ports 25, 587 (for unencrypted/TLS connections)
465 (for SSL connections)
Username apikey
Password theApiKeyGeneratedBySendgrid
I edited my lemmy.hjson file to this:
email: {
smtp_server: "" #also tried ports 587 and 465 with no difference
smtp_login: "apikey"
smtp_password: "theApiKeyGeneratedBySendgrid"
smtp_from_address: "noreply@myDomain"
tls_type: "tls" #also tried "none" with no difference
The only change is that now when I select “forgot password” the button turns into a rotating arrow for a few seconds and then nothing. No emails in spam, nothing. Any ideas? I feel like I’m getting closer, and maybe I’m using the port wrong?
Mixing romance and work is a bad idea. I mean Veronica, just the other day, she asked me if bullets came in different sizes. Isn’t that the cutest thing you’ve ever heard?
The show formula is extremely predictable, to the point that it’s the guest victims job to foil Michael’s plan. Most of the time, this is foreshadowed by Mike asking them to not do the thing that they end up doing. It’s extremely annoying, but close to the end of the show, you get a few episodes of just Bruce being fucking amazing.
A few were invested in at the start but everyone quickly realized it was going nowhere. The regulatory agency tried to set up a few things to help but it was always going nowhere. IIRC, two of the organizations that filed were trying to get refunded and were threatening litigation.
Yes, it’s what we call low velocity wind. It tends to be very laminar even at low altitudes due to the lower brush and tundra. There were some low velocity turbine concepts at the time but there was just no interest for it. But there is a massive energy resource available at a time when you need it here most. Hopefully things change. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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