I was being goofy. Of course it doesn’t make sense. Jesus, Lemmy has gotten as bad as reddit. It’s all people ready to fight at the drop of a hat.
I was being silly. Not everything has to be serious my guy.
So like having guns to make sure we don’t lose the 2nd ammendment?
I’d bet dollars to donuts it was planned. They’re all about views, sponsors, and subs. The “info” they publish is hack at best. They’re entertaining at times but it’s just that, entertainment, not tech news.
No way this wasn’t calculated by LTT.
Man, my guy Plank sure cleans up nice.
I’ve been divorced. It sucks. But it sucks way less than being trapped in a loveless, bitter relationship for far too long. Like the other poster says, get in therapy and work out what You want. Big change is scary and hard. Having to adjust to things we truly believed were settled is a motherfucker.
This is opinion, but it seems to me that teaching your daughter that making changes, even when they’re hard, is important and dealing with big feelings should come first. At the end of the day, is it better for her to be loved in two houses or see the resentment build in one? For me, it was more important that my son be loved and feel safe in two homes. Teaching him to stay in a relationship because it was “easy” seemd wrong. Again, that’s an opinion, not an objective truth.
They should mute their mics and maybe set them to “push to talk”.
We live in the area between the city and suburbs. Like the city is 3 or 4 blocks away but we have a yard. A few years ago we tore out our front lawn, planted just native plants, put in a lot of beds in the back yard, and way more native plants. We have ducks, bees, and now goats. I’m not sure if we’ve changed our local climate, but he have 2 families of rabbits living in our yard and more fireflies than anyone else in our immediate area.
…baby, shakin’ that ass, shakin’ that ass.
You’re gonna need like a 20000053000002 battery for that. Nice work, that’s looks really good.
Pffft. Fury Road was the best movie in a decade, let alone in the MM franchise. I’m going Friday to see Furiosa. I hope it’s half as good.
Why would he tell anyone this? Like, what can be gained by letting this info out? If it ever got leaked, he could just say “wtf? Why you tripping an saying all that?” What good did he think could come of telling people about this?
The tripod idea is a good one. I’d suggest just stacking a bunch of stuff up on a table or chair. Or, if you have a tape measure, mark a control line around the perimeter with painters tape and measure up from there.
Probably not but I like to think it’s created a feedback loop going on in his head endlessly. “Meat is manly. Meat is dick.'”
Yeah. I try not to mention it to people if I can avoid it. I work construction and am surrounded by manly men tring to out man each other. I had one guy offer me bear jerkey and got bent out of shape when I declined. He wouldn’t stop. He just kept on me about why I didn’t eat meat. After about an hour of him asking again and again why I don’t eat meat I said “meat’s another word for dick and eating dick is gay”. As problematic as it was, it worked.
It never cases to amaze me that a 250pound dude with a 40oz soda in one hand and a mouthfull of gas station pizza thinks he has the responsibility to lecture me about nutrition.
You know how a strobe light can make things look like its sort of jumping through time? Sort of make it look like there’s a way lower frame rate irl? It’s like that but imagine instead of the light flashing on and off, it rolls from top to bottom.
That’s a lot and I’m not going to read it. I promise you that I care exactly as much about your opinion as you do mine. You should go touch grass if you’re so worked up that you can write two paragraphs moaning about a joke you didn’t get. It’s guys like you give us guys that sit down to pee a bad name.