The problems with ME3 go deeper than the ending. Most just seem to let it all slide though for some reason.
The problems with ME3 go deeper than the ending. Most just seem to let it all slide though for some reason.
I’ve never understood the love people have for them.
The sci fi space opera RPG well is running dry and has been for decades last I checked. Though I’d love some recomendations.
I enjoy the mystery around the galaxy in ME1. I enjoy the interactions in ME2 the most. However it’s a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE sequel. ME3… Honestly It’s disappointing compared to what came before, however the multiplayer was some of the best fun I ever had. Then they come out with Andromeda which has some weird retcons or interference with ME3s lore which boggles my mind. Pick a lane Bioware!
Honestly I’d reccomend the original trilogy. After more than 10 years I have learned that if you are super into ME then its best off not digging too deep if you enjoy it! I dont even go into detail pointing out the problems anymore as I dont want to spoil anyones fun! lol
As someone learning how to code, Im happy I got it!
Yes, France has enough nukes to cause a nuclear winter several times over. And yes, while radioactivity levels drop rapidly, I meant it in the context of “every single piece of land is nuked and turned into a radioactive wasteland where you wouldnt want to be. Which is a concern because who wants to glow in the dark, right?”.
Not sure France has enough nukes to literally hit every square inch of the planet in one go.
They do not have end the world stocks
I think you overestimate how many nukes it would take to cause the end of the world. Unless you mean “every piece of land is a radioactive wasteland” end of the world.
they could carpet bomb the entire place, who will stop them?
They want to make it look as little as a genocide as possible. Gotta keep those billions of USD coming. $$$$
Civilian deaths are inevitable when militants hide under hospitals and shoot from schools. It’s on Hamas and their militants.
I suppose that nobody would be being attacked from hospitals and schools if Israel wasnt in the area. Attacking those places is a choice. Choices have consequences.
There are roads only Jews can use? That’s a myth.
A myth you say?
At the end of the day. It’s all fucked. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Israel. It’s the Palestinian people suffering through all this fuckery.
At 00:45 the statue looks like its dabbing.
Fuck that guy in the meme.
I spent about 40 bucks on poe. I don’t think it’s worth spending much more. It’s a trap.
What do you mean by “blame”?
So some guy came to England, killed another guy who claimed to rule it, and now we have to watch their family spend eternity in decadent luxury because “British Heritage”. pfft.
Tell you what. I’ll go perform some actions that make myself king, and then a few generations from now my family will be British heritage. Then we can all be happy.
The Royal family are an important source of culture, tourism, and soft power
The Royal family isnt an important source of tourism.
In the movie where he said the star threatened the entire galaxy I kinda giggled and had a think about it. I figured the only way it would threaten the galaxy would be the political implications.
Now if someone found a way to detonate Sag A*…
Stand amongst the dead innocents and ask the ghosts if culpability matters.
“So you would not mind if I send AI sex videos of you to your parents and friends?”. Seems like sending it would be the dick move. My family and friends probably have no interest in seeing deepfakes of me naked.
“How about a video where you are sexually degraded playing in public space - how would you feel about that?” Considering its not really me… meh. I don’t personally care. Because it’s not me.
“Maybe you performing sexual acts that you find gross yourself?” If someone wants to make deepfakes of me eating poop or something for whatever reason… oh well? It’s not really me.
But you do you.
Exactly. Hamas is comprised of Palestinians, not all Palestinians are Hamas. It’s civilians dying to Israelis indiscriminate attacks.
Fuck Israel. Fuck Hamas.
They are covered in glass. They do this to make a scene to bring light to their cause. The painting wasnt harmed. Meh. Either way I’ve kinda accepted that humanity is doomed. I’ve gone through the 5 stages. Too many are suck on denial.
Maybe the UK should consider joining the EU.
I acutually have many problems with ME3. Some are little things and some are big things. Like I’m not a fan of the click npc and stand around or run in circles while they all talk to each other thing personally. Im much more into the whole chatting thing via the dialogue wheel. (But that’s just a preference. I also wish they had kept Mordins original VA)
Most problems in ME3 can be boiled down to a poor framework left in ME2. ME3 starts with you under house arrest after a bit of a time skip. So you are instantly dropped off into a situation that you dont really know whats going on with people around you that you have relationships with that you dont really know. Then instantly its all “we need to save earth”… because reasons… like I get it… saving Earth is important… but it’s mostly marketting. “Take Back Earth!”. Earth isn’t important when it comes to stopping the reapers. Then you have to get to mars because the Prothean Archives are bigger than originally thought (because reasons) and they think there are some plans for a superweapon left by the protehans (maybe?). It’s an asspull. The entire crucible thing is just thrown in there because they had nothing set up from the previous games. Don’t get me wrong, the writers did great considering they had written themselves into a corner, but it’s a hell of a lot worse than it could have been.
The Mass Effect Trilogy will always be known to me as a trilogy that only scratched it’s potential. I eagerly wait a remake of the series with a lot of these problems ironed out.