Do they have eggs???
“Sadly” it’s the MAGA who will die off from non-vaxxing. Darwin will win. I hope.
Not sure if it’s mental illness but she certainly needs a counselor.
This reminded me of a guy that I dated for a few months that had a strip of hair on his penile shaft. First “textured” blow job I’d ever given.
Never have had an issue with the high waisted. I wear them often. Low waisted sounds weird, they might roll down?
WoW. Plenty to keep me occupied.
I love KidA ❤️
Same. Fully agree. We can’t go out to eat without checking our phone now.
Gonna need lots of popcorn for the next few years. Luckily it’s one of the few things we can all still afford.
I find it interesting how they say they were the last to leave, yet they all survived and I believe without any losses (vehicular etc.) but the employees who should have had a head start didn’t get out fast enough.
The restaurant we ate at has no potable water. Disposable silverware and paper plates. Boiled water to wash hands in the bathroom. LOTS of chopped up trees along the roads. In the river areas there’s mud everywhere. C
I physically sickens me that it is this close. I’m not joking. My stomach is in knots lately.
lol no posts in a year. Kinda glad, I like Lemmy being a happy place.
No. Another problem is that we had a week of rain BEFORE the hurricane came through.
So the mountains are filled with vacation rentals, skiing etc. all the roads shut down, Banner Elk NC they have to bring food and supplies by air right now.
Where is Buc-ees going in?
I have a coworker who lives in Flag Pond and can’t get home since Friday until the roads gets fixed. Must have the interstate open again to get home.
Ha ha yes But no. That’s not how an E sounds.