These guys are wrong. They just randomly burst into flames. Bad manufacturing. No one saw anything. It was a short, just like the one in xelons head.
These guys are wrong. They just randomly burst into flames. Bad manufacturing. No one saw anything. It was a short, just like the one in xelons head.
This is a very common thing that is said by too many people, politicians, artists, business people, the news, government. It’s like a virus of denial. America is famous for ramping everything up to 1000. Over the top bullshit. And yes, they are complete idiots.
The US is way more racist than you would think. Also extremely uptight. It isn’t the greatest place like people would have you believe, that’s just hype. Something that America does excel at.
Reminder: he was going to let us all die when Covid hit. It was nothing, it was going away in a few days, it’s just a cold. Why would you get on a double decker bus when the driver is drunk as fuck and snorting coke off the horn? People voted for this bus crash.
Cool, now I can report all that religious shit that appears.
Came here to say the same thing. Americans are brainwashed from a young age by advertising and classism. They have easily fallen into the advertising that crApple has about some ‘superior lifestyle’. And actually crApple is just an over priced UI that attracts idiots. It’s a mentality.
I was referencing the Wonder Woman of the 70’s TV series (Lynda Carter) who was always fighting against nazis.
Where is Wonder Woman when you need her?
That is exactly what language is. Someone makes a sound and you know what it means. Animals can’t reason the fine details of what the meaning of words or context mean. The understand if A happens it means (action), and they do respond to the tone of your voice. Say the same thing in a different tone and it becomes confusing. An example is, if I angrily yell words in French at you (which you don’t speak), even though those words mean “happy, joy, sunshine”, you think I’m angry. But if I cuss at you in French in a super sweet voice, you think I’m being romantic. Humans, can speak non-native languages and not know how to read or write them.
You guys better stop stalking me online. This is an invasion of my privacy. I worked very, very hard for this luxury home. You just jelly!!!
Watch how quickly this location gets closed. Out of business.
Your bottle has expired. And opened bottles expire within 6 months. https://www.thoughtco.com/hydrogen-peroxide-shelf-life-3975974 https://sciencenotes.org/hydrogen-peroxide-shelf-life-before-and-after-opening/
Ads are the cancer of Humanity.
And most of the Earth shops (buys) Chinese goods, so we have financially supported their advancement against our own.
This is correct. The rule is, ‘anything you say to a woman must apply equally to a man’, if not, don’t say it. Try saying “hey, nice tits dude” and see how that works out.
I use mbin or kbin because that ugly rat and the name, lemmy are stupid. That’s just my opinion.