Ads are the cancer of Humanity.
Ads are the cancer of Humanity.
And most of the Earth shops (buys) Chinese goods, so we have financially supported their advancement against our own.
This is correct. The rule is, ‘anything you say to a woman must apply equally to a man’, if not, don’t say it. Try saying “hey, nice tits dude” and see how that works out.
Xanadu Valley Girl St Elmo’s Fire
Wikipedia financials can be found here under Finances.
Wikipedia is an alien plot to get Earthlings to read more. DON’T FALL FOR IT!!! . . . ./s
Please donate to Wikipedia if you can.
Red because you are tired and sweaty from all that xmas shopping. Green because all the oligarchs have all your money now.
It’s an alien invasion. And you all thought they would be Human sized. mwahahahaha
It’s to take your picture for the “database”, download your phone contents, and give you a thorough all over “feel up”.
Because Corporate Media outlets have an old way of doing things. And when they try to do something ‘new’ it comes off as weird and out of place. No one wants to see a newsreader standing in the middle of a studio reading the news. Give that person a chair, it’s weird. And why are reporters standing in dangerous storms outdoors? Corporate torture? And ‘live’ reporting from a dark parking lot that could be anywhere is stupid. What is happening right now? Where is the ‘live’ story happening? Plus the line up of on air personalities seems to be delusional. Where is the actual journalism? It disappeared 25+ years ago. Now it’s just psychopaths with antiquated opinions being featured. And sensationalistic freak shows. What happened to actual news.
You mean the man who’s company let sick people die by denying proper healthcare, all for the sake of profits? That innocent man? Do not turn this guy in.
Sometimes people provide a public service to humanity is very dark ways. Do not turn this guy in.
I love that they were leaving flowers.
That article was funny!
The same reason people have freaky duck lips, body dysmorphia.
That’s a very interesting idea. However, the idiots in the USA have decided to elect the guy who will enact huge tariffs which will make prices rise beyond the inflation we have endured. And he will crash the US economy, which will have a domino effect on the globe. Americans are literally brainwashed to buy, buy, buy. Claiming that our economy is the most important thing (such a lie). He will devastate this country financially and those who voted for him will suffer for that choice. Trump kills everything he touches. Watch him destroy America. Putin will be so happy.
MAGA is a cult, so they all congregate in the same places. They all complain about the same things and can’t handle opposition much. Only the super crazy people follow him blindly. The semi-intelligent have realized he has done nothing for them.
Not when you are coked up on ketamine, it’s an adventure.
So… we’re going to Italy?? PIZZA!!!
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