How nice for the Reed family/Green Diamond to be split into ‘private family owned timberland’ and ‘corporate timberland’.
How nice for the Reed family/Green Diamond to be split into ‘private family owned timberland’ and ‘corporate timberland’.
Even when you control for the orange you can still see the orangeness compared to the other very white people in the room.
Kyle Katarn was using a yellow one in the '90s if I remember correctly…
Threat of a lawsuit is not a lawsuit.
What happens commonly is the threat of legal liability is used as a tool to gain some kind of leverage or compliance.
In business this is very prominent practice of utilizing capital to suppress competition. Inserting trouble + waste of time and money into your competition is very American.
I used to regulate a local sanitary code that explicitly defined “‘should’ means ‘shall’; ‘shall’ means ‘must’” because lawyers do litigate over these terms.
Saved a lot of time and resources (and public health) where a juxtaposed word in an administrative order didn’t blow up a civil case.
In most cases ‘shall’ and ‘should’ is synonymous with ‘must’ for legal purposes.
Military trains fear. The constant threat assessment required decays a soldier’s capacity to operate in civil society.
Things like every door opening, even in public, is a pulse of potential threat of violence. People can’t live like that forever and for many it becomes increasingly difficult to break that mindset over time.
Also the subesquent SpeechNow decision that pulled out the stops AND created precedent by citing Citizens United.
Youtuber in constant pursuit of Voice of America money.
“Even Johnny Harris” is not adding anything. Do people think Johnny Harris is an authority on truth or something?
converts mp3 to flac
::: print vinyl from flac :::
Drone kill footage is like the reciepts of investment, if not the product itself.
In the one example with the grocery co-op: I can assure you, few if any, of the people involved with the co-op were Marxist-Leninists, let alone comfortable with Marxism or the ‘S’ word. So that was kind of a critical flaw in any Marxist-Leninist theory in practice.
A lot of people practice forms of community action without having any sort of class consciousness. A wealthy philanthropist can offer a bunch of money with strings attached and people will jump at the promises without second thought and rarely keep up with the follow-through.
Point I was making nonetheless was these operations tend to exist under seige from competing and profiteering interests. If I remember correctly the grocery co-op was having issues making the skyrocketing rent payments for the commercial lot. That was the problem the money solved: the one created by the landlord.
So in a sense I was saying ‘the pressures of capital tend to be too great’ than money being tempting or greed from the community.
They are run out of business, most simply.
The operation that does not focus their profits on building further capital and establishing monopoly will fail in the arms race of those that do.
For example: there are countless community and public efforts establishing childcare and pre-k through pooled resources. They are in direct competition with things like Bezos’ childcare academies. (Personal anecdote: they bought out my kids’ building for public pre-k and evicted them.)
And a successful co-op will get pressure to be bought out like a start-up. (Often starts as a great way to expand! Then the expansion changes the culture, the new location feels corporate and the original location is later shut down and left vacant. -Also personal anecdotes for a grocery co-op and an employee owned operation I once worked at.)
A functional, coherent working class policy would’ve ticked some of those numbers in the campaign’s favor across the board without even having to divide by race or gender.
Here are some details to the context of why the ban went into effect:
Essentially Israelis did a bunch of racist violence and got their way out of it.
Unemployment is typically measured by people seeking unemployment benefits, not by volume of people out of work.
Similarly job creation is usually measured by job offerings and not positions filled.
As a result you can get what has been happening: low unemployment and high job creation where people aren’t getting jobs and jobs aren’t being filled.
Friends? Sure.
Coworkers? No.
Notably ‘uisce’ is just the word for ‘water’, which tracks.
The status quo, indeed.