The part which makes the crocodile angry?
The part which makes the crocodile angry?
Wow that case you mention is fucked.
I can’t imagine life after blowing my face off, on top of whatever made things bad enough to go that far.
A McDonald’s employee who recognized Mangione called local police
Class traitor.
They’re called billionaires.
Nov 5, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: Attorney Frank Totti looks over papers while his client Frances Mountain sorts out Beanie Babies with her ex-husband Harold Mountain in Judge Gerald Hardcastle’s Family Courtroom in Las Vegas November 5. The couple, who were divorced four months ago, were ordered to divide up the collection valued at $2,500 to $5000 but were unable to do so by themselves. The collection was ordered spread on the court floor and divided up one by one under the supervision of Family Court Judge Hardcastle.
Besides depreciation, I can’t help but feel this whole experience rendered them emotionally worthless.
For the uninitiated: you’re looking at a court divorce in progress, where these two fascinating individuals are splitting the perceived value of their combined Beanie Babies collection.
Anyone else get the urge to pull the hat down?
If you’re an atheist: we’re in hell, literally.
If you’re a Christian: we’re where hell will be, when Jesus comes back with cigarettes and half a bottle of bourbon.
my favourite misbelief is that people are already in heaven, and that hell is a ‘place’.
What the bible claims will happen: second coming of Jesus happens; believers are resurrected, believers are raptured, and then war breaks out. Jesus fucks off with the angels and everyone left on Earth is “in hell” (permanently separated from God).
Everything about hell being a demonic underworld is from Dante’s Divine Comedy.
No Terraria :(
You’ve got it backwards.
A psychiatrist will prescribe medication, but that’s as far as their treatment usually goes. Their main purpose is diagnosis.
Psychologists are clinical therapists. They aren’t technically qualified to diagnose disorders, but may diagnose illnesses like depression.
There’s a lot of overlap of course, but that’s generally how it goes.
You can’t trick me, I know a bullet hell when I see one.
It received a “D” CinemaScore, the lowset ever for a superhero movie.
Except, it’s not a superhero movie.
Pure genius though. Gets the first spot of any game list it’s featured in, when sorting alphabetically.
I’m not convinced that isn’t just a tiny water bottle.
It’s my fourth time today, it’s gonna be a bit…
I think that makes you amnesic
Gnostic / Agnostic is simply a claim about knowledge.
I’m agnostic as to whether my bread is stale. (I don’t know if my bread is stale).
I’m gnostic about the planets shape (I know it’s a sphere).
Theist / Atheist is a claim about belief.
Every person fits into one of the following:
A Gnostic Theist claims to know God exists (therefore implicitly believing)
A Gnostic Atheist claims to know God doesn’t exist.
An Agnostic Theist believes in God but doesn’t have sufficient evidence to make definitive claims.
An Agnostic Atheist doesn’t have sufficient evidence to make claims about God, and therefore doesn’t believe.
In terms of rationale, both Gnostic groups make definitive claims without sufficient evidence and should not be trusted.
The Gnostic Theists believe in something without evidence, this is a fallacy, but it’s something we all do every day. For example, I don’t know if it will rain, but I believe it might, so I bring an umbrella.
An Agnostic Atheist is the most rational. If you don’t have sufficient evidence to make a definitive claim, then why would you believe it?
It’s why I’m afraid of heights. My brain freaks me out sometimes. I’m by no means suicidal but when I see off a high place I wonder what it would be like to fall. I almost feel compelled by the rush of it.