A coworker once got an HR talking-to for printing this meme out and leaving it on all the dev’s desks.
A coworker once got an HR talking-to for printing this meme out and leaving it on all the dev’s desks.
I once tanked a production service by assuming it could handle at least as much load as my laptop on residential sub-gigabit Internet could produce.
I was wrong by at least an order of magnitude.
IED’s your IDE.
No, it’s the people who maintain it, like the CEO’s and majority shareholders. Stop them, and you stop the system. Might come back though, that’s the problem with humans, we’re really good at fucking each other over.
You gotta go back to Mesopotamia for the invention of health insurance. This one is 100% the fault of “free markets”.
The CEO was basically a captain of the capitalists us healthcare system. If he wasn’t responsible for the misery caused by his command of his part of that system, then who is?
The US is when you’ve dominated the map militarily, neuter the other civs instead of sacking them, and then spend the rest of the game uncontested getting the cultural victory for the lulz.
I’m convinced the answer is “Israel absolutely has nukes and will use them if we stop providing them conventional arms”
But the real answer is probably as mundane as “They are the core of US power projection and intelligence gathering in the middle east, and we really don’t want to lose that level of influence in the region”.
You lost the plot at “siding”. I know you’re incapable of understanding this, but “sides” aren’t a thing when it comes to fascism. Every neck has the same boot on it, some of us just decided we don’t want to kiss it.
You deep throat it all you want, it’ll keep your ass nice and safe and warm for when the long dick of the law comes round to fuck it.
Should he have given mango bastard both barrels of the ol’ S-Mart special as soon as he walked in the door? Maybe. Would that have changed anything in the medium or long term? Not at all. He’d have to mow his way through half of Congress to make a dent.
It would be confusing and weird if “=” did different things depending on the context.
= is the assignment operator
== is the comparison operator.
the others using = only is probably just to keep things short, and the fact that the context is a lot clearer with another character like < next to the =
It took me a year but I broke my team of this habit. The trick was to remind them that the parking lot shouldn’t be scheduled. The whole point is that you continue conversations organically so that it’s more like the beginning of a working session instead of the end of a meeting.
Oh for sure, and some of those are not ok with swapping the interpreter out 🤣
It is, and it’s a valid complaint. Go and Rust have handled it differently than Python or JavaScript, and all of them have their faults and bonuses.
It’s a load bearing S.
Their greatest mistake was not naming it Ouroboros.
5% pleasure
50% pain
100% his reason is so we remember his name (🤮)
Obama is a master politician, you think he can’t fake a laugh for the span of a dinner?