thanks, i wanted to comment something similar - training is necessary, and i would have been very pleased if someone told me that condoms are not a “one size fits all”-thing at all
Ah yes, the famously communist Russian Federation. The RF is nakedly an imperial fascist regime that doesn’t even have communist window dressing, it boggles the mind that self-proclaimed communists and anti-imperialists support them.
thanks, i wanted to comment something similar - training is necessary, and i would have been very pleased if someone told me that condoms are not a “one size fits all”-thing at all
OT: You reminded me that i never watched seaquest more than a few episodes and i will have to do that now. does it still hold up for someone who loved TNG and Voyager?
you might wanna take a look at https://everynoise.com/ and the side projects under https://everynoise.com/nrbg.html and https://everynoise.com/curio.html - it’s from an ex-spotify employee. he also explains why the spotify-genre search has gone to shit - they replaced the human-curated genres with ML-learning based genres, which isn’t great.
you must be deluded to compare the massive problem with systemic racism in combination with the amount of hate crimes against minorities especially in the south with the situation in germany.
edit: for example, elon would be in clear violation against the Verbotsgesetz, while most of your media does not even admit that he was fucking sieg heiling.
“Fascist asks fascist tech buddies to out non fascists”
Removing / migitating sources of stress and anxiety. I was known at work for my regular expression of anger, and if it wasn’t that it was sarcasm. Had a 3 month rehab after crashing really hard, and the “observers view” of my life at home made me see what had to change. Similar progress could be made with a good therapist, will take more time tho.
the first corporate war probably
I for my part would rather like to use the microwave for Hi-Power WiFi (and you can hold a bag of popcorn into the datastream for nutrition too!)
yes, but ublock gets its blocklists from an external address, which cannot be done with manifest v3. and updating the extension is something that can take weeks until approved, while google could just outmaneuver ublock.
yup, opiates to be specific.
I fucked my “clicker” up with too large portions, which expanded my stomach over the years. i was NEVER satiated, because i had no way of filling my stomach up. I was always hungry. In the end and after many years of fighting my massive overweight i went for an stomach bypass. If someone tells you that this is the easy way out: they are full of shit. You have to relearn eating, and 1) that really sucks and 2) that was exactly what i needed, No more feeling hungry is a blessing.
That gave a really nice overview for someone who hasn’t had to dabble in IPV6 yet, thanks!
i join in on the PSU chorus. no bluescreen normally means power loss, so either the PSU craps out, or it doesn’t get the power. a defect of the mainboard is not completely out of the question tho.
grab yourself the free version of HWInfo64, and check the voltages below, they should be a) stable (and i mean stable - mine do not move at all and i would be concerned if they did) and b) close to the values in the name (12v, 3.3v, 5v). since you have complete power loss, it’s probably the 12v.
PSUs do age and lose about 10% of “maximum wattage” where they still stay in tolerance levels per year.
e: even if the voltages seem stable and ok i would still start looking at replacing the PSU if it’s old. e2: a classic one would be loose cables tho, either Power Cable or the 12v connector to the mainboard
For most recipes (esp convenience food), you just drop the temperature about 20°C and keep the time the same. But in the end, you will have to experiment a bit since every oven is a little bit different.
Children of Morta has great storytelling and good Gauntlet-style gameplay :-) Risk of Rain 2 is real fun, and good to play with friends!
i can agree on Control, Outward, DRG and Remnant, they are all excellent!
Gen Zero and Kena are in my backlog - will put them on top of my list based on your recommendations, thanks ;-)
Taking a stroll through my library:
My current FPS fix is Deadlink: another roguelike FPS, very tight gunplay and movement, good looking too.
if you can give a few examples what games you enjoyed, i can probably point you in the right direction… i think i have a slight game collecting problem with a few thousand titles, but at least i can help people like you out lol
you download the corresponding depots using the console / steamcmd. Here’s the process using the console.
There is a wealth of resources regarding sexuality and thematics for adolescents in general available here: https://www.youmo.se/en/
also, Big Mough comes recommended by the city of reykjavik, which has lots of stuff regarding sexuality and gender issues, but not all in english.
i want to emphasise training how to use a condom, finding out the correct size is something that’s on his to do list. Proper hygiene is also learned (my parents didn’t give a shit and it caused me problems far longer than necessary) - tell him if he needs to shower, body odor changes fast during puberty, and it’s easy to be nose-blind to your own smell.
I saw someone recommend giving a gift card for a sex toy - i think that’s a good idea, the sex drive in puberty was constant and to be honest at times annoying and distracting,