With every mistake, we must surely be learning
With every mistake, we must surely be learning
Wow, you’ve gotten worse.
Endeavour OS is both ime
Quake movement raises the ceiling for sure, I saw a graph once showing the optimal angles for bunnyhopping and it seems crazy precise.
Accessibility is always a concern, which is why I’m glad Black Mesa introduced an auto-crouchjump option for those that want or need it, but generally I think it is a good thing when the range of things a player can do is expanded.
Yeah I think I’ve heard of mechanics where you can crouch to “charge” a jump, but not like, jumping while in the crouch interpolated state.
What games use crouch jumping like that? I thought that had to be wrong, but apparently in CS:GO you can just barely clear higher objects if you crouch and then immediately jump.
It might sound awkward, but IMO it is very intuitive, if you imagine crouching as bending the legs instead of going down.
I never said no one should use it
some things mean multiple things
Slight correction but the 👌🏻 thing is for white supremacists, which is why you saw the Christchurch shooter doing it in court, and those new friends of Kyle Rittenhouse
You know that sleepyness where you literally cannot keep your eyes open and keep dozing off? That’s what an opioid overdose is like. If you gave someone a bunch of morphine, they’d fall asleep and soon after stop breathing.
Some people experience different levels of nausea from different kinds of opioids, so some level of discomfort will exist in some percent of the population without either testing out the different opioids on the prisoner or giving them an anti-nausea drug.
African Orthodox now!
You think it’s clear to most readers, yet ignore the largest evidence contrary to that and instead try to explain it away with conspiratorial thinking, interesting.
Honey it’s not a brigade, you’re just wrong. It’s not pedantism, you just sound like a fool.
Yes, and a criminal is a criminal. You are very smart.
Vegan extremists are not the same as Neo-Nazi extremists.
I don’t think a food truck counts as satire. Satire is like the “Bored of the Rings” Lampoon book from the '70s, it actually had something to say regarding the material it was satirical of.
I may be underestimating the satirical capacity of a food truck, or maybe the legal definition of satire in NZ, but to me it’s just a cheeky name.
Plus, depending on the names, it’s tantamount to labeling their minority status on the ballot.
I’m not sure how it works in Ohio, but my state has a similar thing where a candidate will have their previous name listed underneath in parenthesis.
Idk if this is it, chief