Futurama, in which Leela is a character, so both users were on the same page before your comment
No contention, just saying
Futurama, in which Leela is a character, so both users were on the same page before your comment
No contention, just saying
Well were experiencing climate change 2x as fast as other countries so I don’t think that will work out, we usually don’t have hurricanes at least but it’s not all gravy up here
More info:
Canada is warming faster than the world as a whole — at more than twice the global rate — and the Canadian Arctic is warming at about three times the global rate. Due to this rapid warming, sea-ice deterioration and changes in permafrost are expected to put communities and infrastructure in the North at risk
Which one are you?
GCU, MCU, GSV, MSV, ROU, LOU, other?
Furthermore, for sterilization 70% is more effective because the other 30% is water, which helps ensure everything is exposed to isoprop for long enough and bacterial cells take in the isoprop and die (because water passes through the cell membrane, taking isoprop into the cell with it), rather than ‘hunkering down’ and surviving until the solvent is gone
However for cleaning electronics, the water content is bad because it does not dry quickly and can cause corrosion, so 99% is needed
So the percentages have varying uses and should be chosen based on the task at hand
It’s the name of a Viking princess
I love chloroken’s EVE series, thanks for posting this
That’s pretty neat
I can’t believe I switched the country of my VPN just to watch that 😂
No that’s not what I meant
You post this link:
When I would have preferred this link:
You see the difference?
Your link only lets me watch the video, is called the embed link (it says ‘embed’ in it)
My link takes me to the webpage for the video so I can read the description, see the uploader, etc and of course watch the video
All this is not possible with your link, because I can’t get to the webpage through your link
I literally have to search for ‘odysee.com paying for software is stupid’ to try to find the video on my own. To even find out what to search I have to decipher the URL. It’s a lot of hassle when you could just post the regular URL to the video.
I’m not criticizing you, I’m just curious if it’s on purpose and why
Why post the embed link? It makes it extra work to find the actual videos page, the uploader, and see anything about it except the video itself
Is there some benefits I’m not aware of to using the embed link version?
I rarely watch a video without at least seeing who the uploader is, usually reading the description too, but maybe that’s just me…
Kagi is a search engine and when you start a search you can enable different lenses, which are like filters that only show you results from that category. The fediverse lens shows you results from Lemmy and other fediverse instance, the forums lens shows results from a wider collections of forums only sites, etc
I just use it for free perpetually
Kagi has a fediverse lens and you can sign up for a free trial with only an email (no payment info)
Sorry what exactly do you mean about conspiracism? As in the belief in conspiracy theories, right?
I’m curious what you mean when you say it’s the root of all evil
Fascinating, thanks for sharing. I see it says peer to peer vid chat and works in the browser but I’m wondering if it requires setting up a server or using a public instance, something like that?
Or is it possible for two people to go to the web page and start a vid chat with zero installation or any other preamble?
Sorry I’m away from home so I can’t look into the GitHub page deeply enough to answer my own questions
It is a great image host
Chopper Dave!!